↬ twenty-three

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Riley's POV

Danielle and myself were packing up the car with our bags to go to the next stop. It was a 5 hour drive and I was positive I wouldn't sleep at all. I was hyper off of energy drinks and skittles. Not to mention my hands were shaking, which happened every time I drank energy drinks.

I was hopping from foot to foot as Danielle loaded the last two bags into the car. I saw Dean walk up from behind me. "Should I ask why you're jumping?" He asked raising his eyebrows and waving to Danielle.

"She ate candy and drank two and a half energy drinks, she does it a lot actually." Danielle answered I just nodded. "She normally acts like a four year old. Now if you two don't hurry up we're going to be late."

"Well, that's why I came out here. I need a ride Seth and Roman ditched me because I used all the hot water when I was taking a shower." He said in an unamused tone.

I nodded "Sure now let's go." I said taking his hand into my shaking one and skipping to the car.

I knew this wasn't good for me, or normal. My mom always yelled at me when I lived at home for drinking. to much energy drinks, but they made my heart race and they made me shake and I liked that feeling. Dean chuckled as we got in the car him getting in the back seat with me. He grabbed both my hands to steadied them, which didn't stop my left leg from shaking.

"Danielle, when does this stuff wear off of her?" Dean asked as Danielle got into the drivers seat.

"Psh, about an thirty minutes or an hour, maybe two." I smirked, they were talking like I wasn't even here.

We just jammed out to music and ate fast food until I stopped shaking and hear the laughter in the car start to fade, yep I was going to fall sleep.




☠ Deans POV ☠

I sat in the backseat with Riley snuggled beside me. She'd fallen asleep about an hour ago. I just looked at her, no doubt she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Danielle was in the gas station getting Tylenol and food because she said Riley would end up either A. having a major headache or B. she'd be hungry. I was amazed by how well she knew Riley, but they been friend for forever.

I was hopping we'd end up like that. Then maybe, just maybe she'd love me the way she loved energy drinks and skittles, or maybe she'd love me the way I love her.

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