↬ twelve

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Riley's POV

I stood in the middle of the ring with a big smile on my face and a microphone dangling in my hand. I listened as the crowd chanted 'Riley', this was one feeling I knew I'd never forget. I brought the mic up to my mouth but right when I was about to speak I heard a theme song I told myself I wouldn't ever hear.

'Let's light it up...'

I watched in awe as my idol skipped up the ramp and into the ring, doing the same exact ring entrance I did not even a minute ago. The only thing separating us were my blue eyes and the different way our shirts were cut. I just frowned as she got a mic and stood in front of me facing the crowd.

"I'm back...." She said as she wore the biggest smile on her face. I felt the my frown deepen as the crowd started to chant 'AJ, AJ, AJ'. They were louder than any chants I've ever gotten. But who could blame them AJ was perfect.

"Now on to the reason I'm actually here. See when I left I gave Riley one job to keep this divas division the way it was when I was here. And Riley here couldn't do that. She's to busy playing mind games with The Shield...."

I couldn't take it any more so I cut her off. "AJ, AJ, AJ, you don't get it do you? I would have had that tittle but some skipping psychopath had the teach guy play her music-"

This time it was her that cut me off. "First off sweetie your the skipping psychopath now. Secondly, you probably wouldn't have won that tittle I was trying to distract Paige not you."

"Oh and another thing AJ how do you think I felt when you left me. I was just a newbie, I was scared and you left me. I was alone I didn't know anybody and you didn't care. I've spent my whole life wishing that I could be you because face it you perfect and you just left me in the gutter."

She looked down knowing I was right.

"Okay AJ you want to face me to see who's the real number one contender? Well you got it." I said before skipping past her and up the ramp.

I felt betrayed because this was the one person, besides Danielle, that I trusted to have my back and she doesn't. She didn't even tell me she was returning. I decided that I haven't talked to Danielle sense that day I ran out on her in the cafe so I decided to go fine her and rant about my problems, but before I could someone hit me in the head... Hard. And the last thing I saw before I blacked out was Paige being yelled at by Dean.


{{ okay I'm done fangirling, but I'm excited to see this Rilean scene Let's make Rilean a real thing... I ship them. }}

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