↬ twenty-two

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Riley's POV

I woke up the most wonderful way possible, I fell off the bed. "Ouch"

I rubbed my but as I crawled back into the bed and turned around hitting something. I soon realized I wasn't by myself. I quickly opened my eyes. Dean. I felt my muscles relax when I noted I hadn't had a one night stand. Although, I don't even think I drank last night. I settled back closer to Dean he made a 'mmm' noise and turned around to face me.

How did I even get here? That question faded as I looked at the blondie in front of me, I couldn't help but smile at his curly hair, it was all over the place. "Mornin' sunshine."

I smiled at how cute his morning voice was. "Morning. Not to be rude, but how did I end up here?" ((( a/n get my 5sos's reference? Asdfghjkl ))

"You fell asleep in Seth's car. I'm sorry about last night, I was being a bitch."

I nodded even though in the back of my mind I knew I was the asshole in this situation, Dean didn't deserve to be played. I wasn't capable of love. All I knew was that he made me fell safe and I liked that about him. I never had that security with Ryan.

But, I knew I was playing with fire and one of use was bound to get burned in the end.




I sat in front of Danielle after a very heated make out session with Dean, but right now I couldn't focus on that. Danielle and myself need to work out this awkward tension. I knew I probably shouldn't have forgave her so easily, but she was the sister I never had and I couldn't help but miss her.

"I'm finishing Eva after this match with AJ." I bluntly stated. No words had been spoken in the ten minutes we've been sitting here and we were road tripping it together in two hours.

"And I'll rip her into piece this Monday. You need to focus on AJ. You've got less than a day to prepare, are you ready for this match?" Danielle asked slipping from her coffee cup. "I mean really ready."

"Mentally.... No. Psychically... Yes. Then I have the mind games that me and Dean have been doing lately and add in this whole Paige and Eva mess, I'm literally driving myself insane."

"Don't let them affect you. Riley you're the strongest person I know, just keep your head up and you always have me and Dean." She said adding a wink.

That was my problem, Dean. I knew that sooner or later him and me just 'hanging out' wouldn't be good enough.

That's were the mind games come in. I'll make him beg for more and I have a feeling that I'm only just beginning.

{{ The chapter sucks... It's sorta a filer. You see a little bit more of why Riley acts the way she does, she doesn't want Dean to leave her, she like the secure feeling he gives her. And she doesn't know Dean loves her, just gonna add they in there so she doesn't seem like such a ass. }}

{{ so whatcha thing about Riley's character so far? because I'm kinda starting to warm up to her a little. }}

P.s: I may be a little behind in up dating I have a MAJOR exam coming up in like two weeks and I really need to prepare.

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