Chapter 24

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Charlotte was asleep beside Ashley's bed in a small couch-like bed which the nurses got for her. She stayed with Ashley for almost two whole days. Her mother brought her clothes and food, even administered her medications, letting her stay with Ashley for as long as she needed to.

When Charlotte woke up, she needed to use the toilet. She tried to get herself inside by herself, but when she fell, she hit her head. She began to convulse, coughing and gagging as she seized. Charlotte's eyes rolled back as she felt someone kneel down to her level and hold her body to comfort her and keep her from getting hurt.

The nurse wasn't worried about getting vomited on as she focused on holding her. When the convulsing stopped, she helped the girl over the toilet as she proceeded to get sick.

Charlotte leaned forward as she vomited, feeling hands rub her back. She had received her eighth round of chemo treatment that morning and knew this would happen. What triggered the seizure was the fall though. The nurse gently held her close as she cleaned her up. It was Taylor as she had her shift that night. It was Tuesday evening and she was halfway through her shift.

When Charlotte was back to normal, somewhat, she sat beside Ashley's bed and looked at her with her chin on her hands as she laid her head on the bed.


Sara's POV
Sara was walking down the halls of the emergency room, hearing a gurney and quickening her pace when she heard calls of, "Can I get a doctor in here??!!" She panicked slightly before rushing towards the noise. SHe ran into the ER lobby and saw a guy holding a guy up with his arm around the female's waist as she was slumped over. Sara rushed the female and gently set her down, holding a clump of gauze over the open wound. An ER doctor rushed to the sight as well as some other nurses. She sighed softly in nervousness as she held the gauze as everyone else continued working on the girl Sara watched as a few doctors helped lift the girl up onto a gurney. She followed into Trauma Room 2. She grabbed onto the sige of the gurney She could hear other nurses murmuring and one of them shooing the male out of the room.

She focused on her breathing as she held her head in her hands, realising she was one of the few night shift nurses on call. She watched as the nurses focused on getting the patient stable. The doctor focused on doing compression as she was bleeding too much. Sara focused on getting the information, but the patient was unconscious. She sighed and took over the squeezing of the ambu bag. Everything was hazy and she could barely focus, but she focused on the breathing of herself and the patient.

When all that could be done with the patient is done, Sara sighed as she looked at the patient, the ambu bag removed and the tube still inside. She could see the patients feet at the end of the sheet. She wished deaths didn't happen. It brought her back to Angelica. She cried softly as she held her head in her hands. She couldn't believe she was gone. How could it have happened so early? She sniffed and wiped the tears from her cheeks. She slowly got up and looked around, walking out of the trauma room.

Her boss came up to her and tilted his head, "Something wrong Hanson?" Sara sighed, "Oh- it's nothing." She mumbled, sniffling as arms embraced her. She cried softly into her boss's white coat. Her heart ached. "I miss Angie. She's... gone." She mumbled, her boss nodding.

Once she was finally calmed down, he helped her to one of the oncall rooms. "Hey, get some rest. I'll cover the rest of your shift." Sara nodded and smiled as he shut the door. Sara laid down on one of the beds and curled up slightly. She decided to take a nap for sure and she was out within five minutes.

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