Chapter 29

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Charlotte felt arms grabbing her as she moved into her side, a sharp needle went into her chest. She struggling to breathe at this point and she was alone. Her heart felt like it was beating out of its chest. When her eyes opened suddenly, she saw her nurse accessing her central line. She was going through a new trial of chemo to see what could and couldn't help. She took a deep breath and sighed in relief when she heard a familiar voice speak to her. "It's okay Charlie. I'm here." She heard Jason's voice and nodded, letting her eyes close slowly.

Jason's PoV

Jason sighed as he walked into his sisters hospice like room in her bedroom. The only thing that changed was a nurse was with her almost twenty-four seven. She was watched and taken care of during her seizures. Jason sighed as he kneeled down and spoke to his sister, noticing the tension. "It's okay Charlie. I'm here." He wiped the tears from her cheeks and gently kissed her forehead as he stood up.

He watched as the nurse accessed her port, placing the tegaderm after cleaning it up. She started the fluids and the medicine within ten minutes of each other. He sighed and shook his head slightly. He hated seeing his sister like this. This is the second time she has had cancer in her lifetime and it hurt him to see her getting worse.

How could this have happened? Could we have avoided it if we would've changed her lifestyle? Could we have done something better to avoid the cancer?

His thoughts were everywhere and he didn't know what to think or how to feel. He could see how badly his sister was getting and he knew she didn't have many months left. But the one thing that made everything okay was how hard he saw his sister work. He could see the determination in his sisters face as she woke up every morning.

There was one thing that was on his mind and one thing only, his family. He wasn't focused on work or school or anything else. All he wanted was for his family to be okay. He wasn't so much worried about his wife and soon-to-be child. He was worried about Charlotte. More worried than he's ever been before.

Charlotte's POV

When Charlotte woke up, she looked around and slowly lifted her head up. She heard a voice nearby and turned to face a figure sitting down. It was her nurse. She watched as the nurse spoke on the phone with the doctor. It was too quiet for her to hear what was being said, so she just stared at the nurse until she got up.

She smiled slightly as Taylor, her favorite nurse, stood beside the bed. "Something you need girly?" She chuckled and gently squeezed her shoulder.

Charlie smiled and looked down. "Maybe some water or something. I know today's one of those days where we eat and all that, but I don't want to. Especially if it'll just all come up." She murmured. She frowned, then looked at Taylor.

Taylor smiled. "I know. I can probably make it to where we can decorate your IV pole with Christmas decor. What do you think? I'll see if your mom could grab something from the garage later."

She nodded and smiled excitedly. "That would be so fun! We could do it together!" She grinned, her hands wrapping around the handle on her iv pole.

Taylor nodded and smiled, pressing a few buttons before lifting the bag of formula into her backpack. She then picked up the pump and cording, gently placing it in the backpack in its slot. She then held the end of the tubing. "Okay, let's get your Mic-key  hooked up. I'll keep your backpack here with you." She said as she set the small backpack down on the bed. She then smiled at Charlotte. She moved the pole and then sat down beside her on the bed.

Charlotte smiled as she looked at Taylor's set of scrubs. They had monkeys with bananas. Some were smaller and others are bigger. She smiled and slowly used her arms and the help of Taylor to help her into her bed, as she was on her wheelchair with the pole with her. She blinked as she closed her eyes tightly.

She looked down at her lap as she sat in the middle of class. She could feel herself dozing off slowly and her head landed on the desk. (The first time she was showing symptoms). Her head began to ache as she collapsed to a heap on the floor. Kids began crowding her as Charlotte seized on the floor. Many of the kids began panicking and called out for the teacher who was on the phone with the nurse. The nurse came running in as she called for an ambulance. Her body was still seizing on the floor. The nurse began moving the chairs and seats so Charlotte couldn't get injured.

After a few minutes passed, the paramedics rushed into the room with machines and tools. One of the paramedic set his bag down and another held her head still as she seized. The first one began pulling her shirt up to place electrodes. They got her hooked up to the monitor. Her heart rate was dangling between 120-160 so they put a mask for oxygen on her face and looked over at the other three paramedics who helped her onto a backboard. They rushed her out of the room, holding a blanket and placing a neck collar brace.

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