Chapter 26

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When Sara was finished speaking with Justin to reassure him, she went to her daughters room and saw her playing on her phone. "I spoke to your father, I explained that it is your choice what you want to do." She said as she sat at the end of the bed. "So I have to ask... what do you want to do?"

Charlotte looked up at her mother, pausing her game as she put her phone down. She sat herself up, trying to think of what she wanted to do. She juggled between the two options and sighed. "I want to stay alive longer... I want to see Jessica and Jason have a baby... I don't want to die..." she said as she looked down at her lap.

Her mother sighed. "I know sweetie but we have to choose. We don't know how much time you have left. Do you remember when Dr. Zeeman and the rest of the team spoke together and told you the options...?" She asked.

Charlotte nodded. "Yeah, I remember... I've been thinking about it too and I don't want to die. But I also don't like the side effects... is there anyway we could wait a little while?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

Her mother nodded and held her hand. "Of course. We can wait and see what happens, but when we start chemo again, if we do... the doctors said there would be some risks."

Charlotte nodded again, knowing she would have to choose. "I want to wait..." she paused. "I want to see Jason and Jessica's I just want to wait. If that's okay..." she said, messing with the bracelet on her wrist.

Sara hugged her gently. "Okay, honey. We can do it that way then." She told her as she picked her fragile daughter up and in her arms. She held onto her as she walked out of the bedroom. "We can watch some movies." She said to her.

Charlotte held onto her mother as she laid her on the couch. She closed her eyes as Sara figured out a movie for Charlotte to watch. Charlotte could hear Jessica and Jason speaking, but couldn't make up what they were saying. She laid her head down against the pillow and opened her eyes.

Justin and Jessica were talking about planning a baby shower and baby gender reveal party. As well as what type of products they would get in their apartment. They were staying in the guest room together so it was a tad bit weird.

When Charlotte fell asleep halfway through the movie, Justin finally decided to come into the living room and put on a medical show channel, silently observing the techniques. He sighed deeply and shook his head. "Stupid quacks..." he muttered under his breath. He quickly changed the channel to some kind of cartoon station, deciding he needed to just relax. He had his own reclining chair for his days off and he usually napped in it anyways.


Jason sighed as he walked through the grocery store, Jessica right beside him. They were gathering important items they needed for the apartment other than furniture as they already had the bed and couches for the living room. They were thankful the apartment was a two bedroom and one bath as it made it easier to organise their belongings. They slept in the same room, but the extra room would not only be the office, but be part of the babies room. "Oh yeah, I think I should get some baby stuff, just for now. I know it's months away, but it's good to prepare." Jessica said.

Jason nodded and yawned slightly as he set a box of crackers from a shelf into the basket. "Is there anything specific we need now?" He asked. Jessica than began listing off what they needed for the apartment. He nodded and they went through the aisles, getting what they needed. Once they paid for everything, they put it all in the van and Jason began driving towards their apartment.

Once both Jessica and Jason arrived at the apartment, Jason pulled out the special wagon so they're wouldn't have to go back and forth constantly. Jason focused on putting the food away while Jessica put all the other items away. She set some of the baby items on the dresser across from the desk in the office. They were planning on dividing the room to be part of the baby's room and part office, probably with a sheet or something.

Jessica appeared in the kitchen as Jason was cooking, "I think your sister is feeling... a little neglected. I mean, I'm sure she understands, but it's a big change and we did it within a month or so. I just feel a little bad because I feel like I've torn you two apart."

Jason turned to face Jessica. "Jess, I'm sure she's fine. It'll just take time for her to adjust. Whenever I'm not here, I'll be at my parents house, especially since there's more boxes and things I have to pack in my old room. I'm just happy we're together, okay? I'll worry about Charlotte later." He said, then kissed Jess gently on the lips. "I have it under control." In reality, he didn't know what to do and clearly didn't know how he would keep it under control like it is.

What will happen when the baby comes? Will he neglect Charlotte more or will Charlotte become accustomed to it? Will Charlotte and the baby get along?

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