Chapter 35

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/////A/N this will be a longer chapter due to a collab with another character
MiatheSnakeHybrid /////

Jason sighed as he glanced back at his child in the backseat in her car seat. He sighed as he watched as Jessica drove them home. They were to get ready for the funeral in a few hours. He watched out the window as they drove past building after building. He was careful as he opened his eyes, rolling the window down slowly. He was just in shock. He rubbed the back of his neck.

????'s POV:
It was funny how this would be the first time in a long time she would see her best friend. And her last. Charlotte had passed away, but she was not sorrowful. She was sad, sure, but happy. Glad that her friend was no longer suffering. Even though Charlotte had asked her not to attend the funeral the last time she saw her in the hospital, she still wanted to attend to give comfort to her friend's brother, Jason. She was currently getting into her car and would be driving to the funeral.

Jason looked out the window as he pulled up into the parking lot of the small church. He shut the door as he got up and went to grab his daughter from the backseat. He sighed as Jessica had beat him to it. He shut the back door as he grabbed the keys and locked the Chevrolet with the keys. He held Jessica's purse as he walked up to the steps of the church.

The girl stepped out of her car after opening the door. She before locking it, she closed the door and sighed softly. The soft click indicated that it was locked shut. Seeing the church up ahead, she also caught a glimpse of Jason. A sad smile came to her lip and she walked towards the doors. Upon entering, she saw the sad faces. Some with tears, others with sad smiles, but most not showing any expression at all. Her long brown locks fell over her shoulder and she pushed it off. It tickled and she honestly didn't like that, her face not turning to a smile but a frown. Seeing Jason and his wife with their daughter, she headed in that direction. She walked up to them and smiled.
"Hello Jason..."

He turned to see a lot of familiar faces. He held the diaper bag as Jessica held the baby carrier. He held the paper close to his chest as he walked up to the casket. He ran his fingers along the surface and placed a small rose on top. He could see his sister's face even though it was shut. He closed his eyes and let a few tears fall and hit the wooden surface. "I miss you..." he said, then heard a voice behind him. He wiped his eyes before turning to face the feminine voice. "Yes?" He said before realizing he might recognize who it was.

"It's nice to see you again. I' sorry to hear about Char..But, at least she isn't hurting anymore. My name is Cheryl by the way...But my friends called me Cherry. Char being one of them.." A smile graced her lips as tears formed in her eyes. She remembered that it was Charlotte's idea to call her Cherry. And even if she hated it, she loved it when Char called her that nickname. Taking a picture out of her pocket, she placed it on the casket and finally let the tears she had pent up fall. Swallowing back the lump, she brushed the tears away. She hated to cry. Funny. Hate was such a strong word and she never liked it. Yet here she was using it herself.
"I um...also wanna congratulate you on your marriage and have a very lovely family..." Looking up at him, her light blue eyes held sadness but her lips showed joy with a smile.

Jason: Jason smiled when he realized who it was, "I'm so so glad you're here... I-i honestly thought you'd never come. I guess my mom posted it all over Facebook or something because there seems to be a lot of people I recognize here." He paused as he sniffled. "I'm glad she's not hurting anymore... that's what matters to me the most... you know, I hated seeing her so upset and sick all the time. It broke my heart, but I loved and cared for her so much that all of it didn't matter. All that mattered was that I was there for her." He smiled at the girl. "Thank you Cher, I'm happy to see you're doing well. Jess and I have only just had Alexis. I mean Jess did. She's a fighter, just like Charlotte. They found a few complications when she was born, but she's fighting." He didn't mention the surgical tube that connected from Alexis's jejunum to the surface of her skin. He looked down as he nervously played with his shirt. "I uhm... think she would've been happy to see you're doing so well."

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