Chapter 5 - Forced Meetings!

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2 months later:

"Maa, I cannot believe you are making me do this! You know I'm against this all then why?" Nandini questioned her mother.

"Bachaa please try to understand, you have to do this for Amms and Dadu! You know how excited they are for you to meet them. So please do it for them." She tried to explain her stubborn daughter.

"Maa I love Amms and Dadu dearly but this I cannot do." She said with frustration.

"Nandini beta please... please just meet the boy for Amms. You don't have to be forced into saying yes. Just meet him, what is the harm?" Shreya stated.

"Maa no! I can't!" Nandini exclaimed.

"Nandini they're coming this evening to see you and that's final." Shreya said sternly.

"Maa this is not done. First of all, you cannot tell me right now that this evening some guy and his family are coming to see me for a marriage proposal which I will not in a million years approve to! Why didn't you tell me beforehand? And secondly, you know how I feel about Shaadi! Then why?" Nandini questioned.

"Because I know you would've made one excuse or the other. Sunday's are your days off from work but I know you would've made some excuse to escape so I told you on the day. And Nandini beta please atleast see the boy. He's the grandson of Amms and Dadu's friends. And according to Amms they are a very reputed family." Shreya tried to explain Nandini.

"Maa I don't care if he is from a reputed family or not, I don't want to get married! You guys cannot force me! I'm an adult for goodness sake!" Nandini said as she sat on her bed and ran her hands through her hair. She was frustrated and how!

"Princess nobody is forcing you, remember that! It's just Amms is worried for you that's all. Navya got married at the age of 21 and you're 25 and still not married. Of course me and your mum don't have an issue with that but Amms and Dadu do. We understand your viewpoint, but they want to see you happily settled." Arjun said as he walked inside the room and sat next to his daughter. He patted her head in order to calm her down.

"Dad I don't want to be happily settled. I don't want to marry anyone! I don't need a guy to keep me happy! How can you expect me to meet some random individual and decide that I want to spend my life with him. It doesn't make sense to me! And about Navya di then she wanted to get married. She loved jiju and they got married. They're undoubtedly happy together but me and di are different. Marriage just isn't something I want right now!" Nandini said irritatedly. She did not want to fight with her parents like this, but they were simply not ready to listen to her.

"Listen Nandini, What is the harm in meeting the boy atleast? Just meet him and if you don't like him just say no. Amms wants you to get married but she will never force you to marry a guy you do not like. You aren't making any effort in finding boys and that's why Amms is just trying to help you out." Shreya said once again in an attempt to convince her daughter.

"Maa it doesn't matter if the guy is super handsome, or super rich, or super polite, or super cute, it won't make a difference to me because I don't want to get married. I know I'm going to say no so what's the point? I'm just going to be wasting my time and everyone else's time!" Nandini said firmly.

"But you're my shona beti naa, please..." Shreya tried to speak but was interrupted by her husband.

"Shreya it's okay. We can't force her. She's an adult and she is allowed to make her own decisions. It would be wrong of us to force her into doing anything." Arjun said softly. He was right indeed, both Arjun and Shreya had never differentiated between their three kids. They made sure that whilst growing up, neither child felt pressurised into doing anything. They wanted their children to be comfortable around them.

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