Chapter 22 - Manik's Princess

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Next day:

"This giant unicorn is the cutest thing, Nandini! It's bigger than you!" I said in excitement as I picked up the giant teddy.

"Shut up! It's cute, but Manik it's way too big." Nandini said.

"Okay, how about this tea party set?" I said as I pointed to a cute tea set.

"Nah, too original!" She said as she shook her head.

"Okay? How about something personalised?" I suggested.

"That's an amazing idea! We could get her a personalised bracelet or a necklace, or even better, we could make a hamper of little things!" She said in excitement.

"Yes, a personalised necklace and bracelet! A personalised pillow! Some fluffy unicorn slippers, lots of sweets and chocolates." I added.

"Sweets and chocolates? No way! Not good for kids!" She said in her doctor tone.

"She's 5! Let the kid live!" I said as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Fine! As long as we get to put some healthy snacks in too!" She said unwillingly.

"I'm cool with that! Let's do this!" I said as I high fived her.

"By the way Manik, do you seriously think wearing sunglasses and a hat indoors will stop people from recognising you!" She asked curiously.

"Well atleast they won't recognise me right away. The glasses kind of cover me up! It's pretty quiet right now too, I always prefer to go shopping later on in the evening." I explained.

"Hmmmm, okay then let's go buy the gifts!" Nandini said.

After 2 hours of shopping, lots of selfie sessions with fans, and quarrelling with Nandini over silly things, we finally decided to get some dinner.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"Starving!" She replied.

"I'll take you to a nice place!" I said with a smile.

"Not juhu beach Manik, please! I had my share of street food for the week yesterday." She said.

"Okay, I wasn't going to take you to juhu beach. I was actually going to take you somewhere really peaceful and serene. You'll love it." I said with hopeful eyes.

"Really? Where?" She questioned.

"It's a surprise! Now come on, let's go!" I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her.

"Okay, I'm damn excited!" She said excitedly.

Nandini's P.O.V:

So Manik brought me to a beautiful rooftop restaurant. Our table was reserved in the corner, away from the crowd. The scenery was surreal. Mumbai has never looked prettier as the lights glistened in the night. As I stared at the scenery, I caught someone staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me for?" I said softly.

"I'm just admiring the beautiful scenery!" He replied.

"The scenery is there! Not behind me!" I said as I pointed in the opposite direction.

"But for me you are the most beautiful scenery!" He said as he nudged his shoulders.

"Are you openly flirting with me?" I questioned with a smirk.

"I'm openly complimenting you!" He replied.

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