Day 2: Forbidden Love

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Ian's birthday so extra long? This was unintentional but I'll go with it xD

5 hours of editing later, this is almost a thousand words longer than I started with and I'm v tired... help Also, please excuse any misspellings or grammar issues, I can't think well enough to make sense.

Note: this has a lot of plot and not much smut, but eh I had an idea and went with it and it's cute so whatever

Second note: It's 11:47 pm where I live right now, so technically I made it on time~



Prince Ian's parents, the king and queen, had offered him just about every princess they could find to be his bride. When they had all been turned down, they had given in to their son's claim of being bisexual and offered him a few princes, only to be further frustrated by the lack of interest in even a single one of them.

Why had the prince turned them all down? Simple. He already had his heart set on someone. Someone he had fallen utterly head over heals for the moment his eyes landed on them.

He had first met them at a ball. Well, rather, before a ball. They had briefly appeared during the set up and Ian had just so happened to be in the kitchen double checking that the right dishes would be served when a delicious smell had turned his attention to the doorway. His gaze went right pass the tray of freshly baked bread and for a brief second, his eyes had met those of the baker's son.

They younger had quickly looked away and rushed to drop off his delivery before leaving, faint blush on his cheeks.

There was just something about him that Ian couldn't ignore and kept the thought of him from leaving the prince's head. The rest of the day, he was the only thing the older could think of - his mess of curly brown hair, his pale skin, his shy demeanor, his eyes. Oh, how Ian wished he could see those wide, emerald eyes stare at him once again.

Even as he lie restless in bed, the image of the baker's son refused to leave him. He tossed and turned and, in the end, he was only able to find sleep after promising to himself that they would meet again.

The next day, Ian had taken his first opportunity to throw on some simple clothes and grab a cloak to shadow his face before sneaking out of the palace, desperate to find the younger. He quickly made his way into the village and kept his distance from the townspeople as he scanned the storefronts, looking for the bakery.

After what seemed like ages, he found himself standing at the door and hesitated for a moment before swallowing down his nerves and pushing it open. He was met by a delicious smell and a quick look around showed that whoever working in the kitchen seemed to be the only other person there. Clearing his throat and using his best fake voice, Ian called out, "Hello?"

An unfamiliar, 'Just a minute' answered him and he slightly frowned as the old baker made his way into the shopfront. "What could I get for you?" A moment passed without a response, "Sir?"

Ian shook his head to clear his thoughts and slightly blushed, embarrassed by his own behavior, "I... uh... S-sorry, but could I, uh, t-talk to your son?"

The baker sighed under his breath and yelled up, into the small living space on the second floor, "Benjamin, get down here, somebody wants to talk to you!"

A second later, a young man was rushing down the old, creaky stairs and Ian felt what he could only guess was love as his heartbeat quickened and he felt nerves take over again. It took all he had to not just grab the other's hand and run away with him when he got a small, "You wanted to speak with me?"

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