Day 10: Marking

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Its late. I rushed. I'm sorry.



Ben scratched at Ian's shoulders, digging his nails in deep as he was roughly thrust in and out of. He scratched and scratched, adding more marks to his lover's already red back, occasionally drawing a bit of blood as he did so.

The older grunted at the pain, not having grown used to the feeling as much as he had to expecting it. Though, knowing the perfect payback, Ian bit down on his lover's neck and sucked hard, smirking into the contact as the smaller's moans got louder.

Ben dug his nails in deeper at the increase of pleasure and let out needy sounds as a different spot was bit down on. He moaned and clawed as he was given hickey after hickey, the biting becoming harder until he was sure he'd have tooth marks left on him too.

Sure, Ben's scratching fixation was driven from a need to hold onto something, anything, to have some sense of reality and keep from feeling like a complete fuck toy, but Ian loved showing off the marks it left to embarrass the smaller. He'd take any chance he could to show their friends the thin, red lines all over his shoulders and upper back, smirking at the red face of his lover and making sure to mention a detail of the night that would make him blush even more.

Though, as he left another hickey, Ian knew that his marks had two purposes - to give his lover pleasure now and to embarrass him later. He'd bite and suck and leave as many marks as he wanted, knowing the more he left the more chances he'd have to catch the younger blushing in public.

Though, Ben would never admit that he actually liked the marks the hickeys left. Never in a million years would he confess to his lover that he liked having dark marks visible on his skin. That he liked the claimed feeling they gave him. That he liked the looks people gave him in public - the looks that sent shivers down his spine and small waves of pleasure through his body.

So, as he let out a moan at the feeling of the older pulling out and cum running down his body, Ben blushed harder. He knew the hickeys on his neck would be there for at least a few days, maybe a few weeks, and knew that people would see them. He let his cum covered stomach be pulled against his lover's clean one as their usual after sex cuddles began and smiled at the thought of the next few days as he let himself drift off to a very sexy dream.


442 words! 

Okay... does this even count as smut? Like, it's about their sex life, but only has like half the action *shrugs*

Also... Hi, it's 12:27am and I am t i r e d

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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