Day 11: No Speaking

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Wow, for once I actually had a good draft and could make something pretty decent out of it.

This totally could of been perfected and put in the other book, I'm that proud of it *cough cough* unlike a lot of other rushed things in here *cough cough*



Ben had let his lover lead him to the bedroom with a smirk and that mischievous look on his face that he knew always meant no good. Everything about the situation screamed 'bad idea', but he still let Ian do as he pleased and let himself be pushed onto the bed.

He had moaned as they kissed and made out and gasped as rough hands explored his body.

He had moaned and whined as Ian softly rubbed him as they kissed, slowly teasing him until he couldn't take it anymore, "F-fuck. F-fuck me already!"

The desperate plea had gotten a disappointed tongue click and the smaller flinched at an unexpected slap to his face.

A dark, sing song voice followed shortly after, "No talking." 

Confusion stared up at the older.

"Every word out of your mouth is another minute you don't get to come." Ian chuckled at the shocked look, "Don't worry though, I'll let those words you just said slide as a warning."

A shiver ran down Ben's spine at the words. Sure, Ian's surprise sex games may of occasionally been odd or even cruel, but the satisfaction he got from winning them was more than worth it. 

Though, the few times Ian made him loose, were good too. Not immediately, no, the denial to his climax until he was left with no more than an aching feeling in his stomach was definitely not fun. However, the hardcore sex the next day to get rid of the ache was always amazing. So, as he stared in shock of the older's words, a part of him deep down was excited.

Ben gasped, whined, moaned, and whimpered as Ian continued to tease him. Hands ran gently up and down his naked body, light kisses trailed from his lips to his stomach, every inch of skin of and around his crotch was rubbed and traced over until the slightest of touches make him twitch.

The feelings of it all quickly overwhelmed the smaller and he found himself biting his lip hard to keep quiet. After all, he knew Ian would keep to his word and, knowing his lover, he was pretty sure that the longer this went on the more intensely he would be messed with.

Though, noticing how much the younger was struggling to keep from speaking - most likely curses and begs for more - Ian smirked. He slowly trailed his hands down Ben's body again and again, stopping just before his crotch each time. He waited until the smaller was desperately aching to be touched down there and suddenly grabbed his member, giving it one good pump before letting go and smirking wider at the reaction.

It was an automatic response for Ben to arch himself up, craving more, and to let out an exasperated, "F-fuck!" at the sudden wave of pleasure. He immediately tried to take back his word with a, "No wait!" and slapped his hands over his mouth to keep from further worsening the situation.

A dark look at smirked down at him, "Ooo, three words? You know what that means. Three more minutes." Ian playfully pouted, "And you were doing so good."

The next few minutes felt more like hours as impossibly slow movements traced and trailed all over Ben's body. He moaned and whined as he became more and more hyper sensitive, the lightest of touches to even his arm now making him jump at how much pleasure it caused. Though, with that came a major increase in difficulty to keep from blurting out all the curses and demands in his mind, so it wasn't all that surprising when another "Fuck" slipped out.

Ian tsk tsked as he playfully shook his head and let a evil smirk spread across his face for a second before being replaced with a happy look and a sing song voice, "I'm getting bored of doing the same thing over and over, so let's torture- I mean tease you another way."

Ben couldn't help but to let out a groan at the lack of contact and again as he thought of all the extreme sex toys that could be brought back. He felt relief wash over him as all his lover seemed to bring back was a simple dildo and felt his fear come back even quicker as he saw the remote, a part that only their vibrating toys had.

He moaned as he was lubed and let out a whiny moan as the vibrator was pushed into him, getting louder and higher pitched as it went deeper. He gasped as it was turned on, the vibrations a familiar and teasing feeling, and let out a sharp gasp and moan as it was quickly turned up to a setting just high enough to make it hard for him to control himself. He moaned and writhed as he endured the pleasure, desperately waiting for his time to be up. 

Ian smirked as the final minute hit and he turned up the intensity even more. He watched as his lover trembled and twitched, tears rolling down the sides of his face at how hard he was trying to keep from screaming something - anything - out.

He watched as the time changed again and spoke, "Aaaaand, time," he smirked at the smaller's look of relief, "You can talk now, Baby."

Groans, moans, and a dirty glare was his only response.

Smirk widening for a second, he spoke again, "If only you were this way earlier."

Another groan showed he wouldn't be getting much of a conversation, so he continue on his own, "Oh well," he smirked into a quick kiss, "Time for your reward Benny."

He chuckled at the jump he got as he spread Ben's shaking legs and propped them up, making it easy to see the simple toy causing such a strong reaction. Though, still wanting to mess with the other a bit, Ian turned the toy up even further, smirking wider at the loud moan he got. He smirked even wider before turning it all the way up and giving a dark, amused chuckle as Ben's whole body convulsed with a wave of pleasure.

Ben panted at how close he was and whimpered as Ian slowly pulled the toy out and pushed it back in. One, two, three agonizingly slow thrusts in and Ben couldn't believe how close he was. Four and he was screaming curses as his trembling body arched high and white pooled on his stomach, tears, now, of relief streaming down his face.


1081 words! Woo, this one is actually pretty long~

Now, if you'll excuse me, it's 12:21am and I have a wedding to go to tomorrow, so I should probably sleep 😅

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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