Day 6: Gentle Sex

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Ha, I have 5 minutes left to spare! ...totally didn't get sidetracked working on other projects 😅 Ooo, now it's 4, I'll type the last (aka the next) line fast

So, this was an idea I've had for a long time and finally got around to writing since it went with the prompt so well~

Okay, 2 minutes left, time to hit 'Publish' and let y'all read <3



Ian pressed light kisses down Ben's body, slowly working his way from his husband's lips to his bear chest and, finally, to his large stomach where their little twin girls would be for the next few months. He made sure to cover the stretched skin with extra kisses and lightly trailed his hands down the smaller's sides, enjoying the soft moans it caused.

He slowly moved his hands further and further down until they were under the younger's thighs and gently pushed his legs apart and back. He left a soft kiss on the other's lips before grabbing the lube and slowly fingering him, smiling at the gasps and moans it caused. 

He pulled his fingers out when Ben was stretched enough and quickly lubed himself before giving a last kiss and lining up. He took his time pushing in and smiled at the whine he got when he paused to let his lover adjust. He gently rubbed a hand over the other's large stomach and felt a wave of arousal go through him.

It had been discovered fairly early on that Ian had a thing for pregnancy sex and it was much to his delight that Ben was willing to go along with it. So, for the duration of the pregnancy, their typically very active and adventurous sex life had little change.

Though, the one thing the younger didn't seem to like about his lover's new found kink was that he had to be gentle. The sex was slow and sweet and filled with love, but to the hardcore, pain-loving Ben, it teased him to no end. He whined and begged, but, with good reason, nothing changed.

So, as Ian slowly pulled out and started thrusting at what seemed to be an impossibly slow pace as to not harm their unborn children, Ben whined and whined, futilely asking him to go faster.

The younger pouted as he got the same response as always - a chuckle and a phrase along the lines of 'When you're not pregnant anymore I'll fuck you 'til you scream, but for now we have to be gentle' - and whined some more.

He whined and whined, the breathtaking sensation of an orgasm his only reasoning to keep putting himself through what felt like loving torture. He clung to what little pleasure he felt and started letting moans mix in with his whines as it slowly grew.

After what felt like an eternity of slow thrusts, he felt himself getting close and let desperation show in his sounds. He softly panted between moans and got a bit louder as he felt Ian rub his stomach again. He dug his nails into the sheets under him as the feeling got unbearably strong and whined as he begged for more.

Ian gave a breathy laugh at how needy such slow love making could make his husband and smiled as he kept thrusting, a few more all it took for another reaction.

Ben screamed as his back arched high and his body trembled. Cum hit his stomach, some running across his baby belly and down sides, the rest trailing back down to his crotch as pleasure ran through his veins. He panted and gasped at how intense it felt and moaned again as he felt Ian come inside him, the hot sensation familiar and satisfying. 

The older groaned with his orgasm and let a moment of bliss pass before gently pulling out and laying Ben's legs back on the bed. He pressed a kiss to his lover's sweaty forehead and got up to grab a towel before coming back and laying it under the other as he weakly arched himself up as he always did.

With a content sigh, Ian laid on the bed by the smaller and pulled him close, one hand going to rest on his stomach as he did so. He smiled and pressed a kiss to Ben's neck, gaining his attention and getting him to turn his head so that cloudy green eyes met cloudy blue. Smile softening, Ian pressed a kiss to the younger's lips and smiled wider as he thought of the family they would soon be.


687 words! Hey look, it's the numbers in my name in the wrong order xD

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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