Day 27: Getting Caught

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Tbh I had no idea what to do for this one and just kinda went with whatever I thought of first.

Yes, it's a mess. Yes, it's bad. Yes, it's very late.



Ian and Ben had been at a party at Jordan and Xeen's house.

Ian and Ben had lost interest in what was going on.

Ian and Ben had used the large crowd to their advantage as they snuck away from the action and into a guest room.

They used the loud music to cover the increasingly loud sounds of the smaller's gasps and moans.

They had gotten lost in their own world, passionately making out and taking off each other's clothes as they got more and more turned on.

The older waited until they were both fully naked and his lover was letting out desperate moans to move his hands down, pushing the other's legs apart and back. He smirked at the moans he got as he slipped two fingers in and groaned as he felt nails dig into his back.

He smirked into a kiss and let his smirk grow as he pulled out his fingers, making the younger groan. He gave one last kiss before lining up and pushing in, shushing the smaller as he let out a loud moan.

Ben gasped and tried to hold back screams as he thrust in and out of, the lack of lube making things a lot more painful than they'd usually be. Though, being the masochist he was, the increased pain only made the pleasure stronger and he found himself struggling to keep his noises down.

He gasped and moaned between heavy breaths, more than glad that the music would drown them out. He screamed as his prostate was hit and a sudden wave of pleasure ran through him, fear of being heard freezing him in place.

Though, as a moment passed and no one seemed to of noticed, he relaxed again and let himself get lost in moans and groans, body trembling in pleasure. He let sounds escape him, as loud as they wanted to be, and writhed under his lover, desperate for the climax he was oh, so close to.

He panted as he moved his body with the older's, making the thrusts hit harder and the pleasure so much stronger. He dug his nails deep into the other's shoulders as one thought ran through his mind.

Just a little more. Just a little more. Just a little more and I'll-

His world seemed to freeze as he heard the door open and, shortly after, Ian froze too. They both started at each other, seemingly too afraid to look towards the door and confirm what they were both thinking.

Ian was the first to let out a sigh of defeat and look to the doorway, where, much to his expectation, Jordan and Xeen were standing. The smaller's gaze followed a second later, face as red as it could get.

A short stare down later, Xeen was the first to speak in a voice much too casual for the situation, "You guys are loud."

All too quickly, the quietness of the house seemed to be deafening. The loud music was gone and, therefore, their way of hiding their noise was gone too.

Confusion overtaking his embarrassment, Ian spoke, "What... What happened to the music? The party?"

Xeen smirked, "It's over."


Jordan clarified, "The party ended while ago."

His lover continued, smirk growing, "When everybody left, we turned off the music and were greeted with the wonderfully loud moans and screams coming from this room."

Ben pulled Ian down, hiding his impossibly embarrassed face in the other's chest. He felt a few tears run down his face and tuned out the voices going back and forth.

He had never been so embarrassed - so humiliated - in his life. He wished he wasn't there. He wished they had just left. He wished they had never come to the stupid party. But, most of all, he wished that the other couple would just leave and never mention, or even think about, this moment again.


633 words! Well, I had literally zero idea how to end this so have some angsty whatever this is~

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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