Day 13: Quickies

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*gasp* a not-near-midnight post?! xD



Ian and Ben used to have a lot of sex.

Then they had kids.

Now, it never seemed like they got any alone time. So, one day, determined to get rid of the strong sexual tension that had built between them, they had decided to take a risk and let their 7-year-old twin girls watch their 5-year-old brother while they played in the living room.

They had sent the kids down with a, 'Daddies will be there in a minute' and rushed off to their room as soon as their children weren't looking.

They both had the same eager, lust filled looks on their faces as Ian shoved Ben onto the bed and slammed their lips together. Two more kisses and Ian was getting up to grab the lube before quickly getting back over Ben.

Their tongues fought for dominance through an open mouthed kiss as Ian undid and pulled Ben's jeans and underwear down to his mid thighs.

He pulled away just long enough to spread lube over the smaller's hole before leaning down to give him another rough, open mouthed kiss as he pushed up the other's shirt and undid his own jeans. He pulled down his pants and boxers to his knees and didn't waste time as he lined up and pushed in with a sigh of relief.

Ben groaned at the long awaited feeling and ran his hands up Ian's back, under his shirt, to claw at his shoulders. He let out a breathy moan, trying to keep quiet, as the older stayed still to let him adjust and sharply gasped when the other burst into a fast, rough rhythm.

Ian groaned at the increasing pain on his back as the smaller dug his nails deeper and kept pounding in and out of his husband, knowing they'd have to finish fast. He changed his angle to hit a certain spot and slightly smirked at the reaction he got.

Ben bit his lip hard as his body arched up and amazing feelings washed through him, making it much harder to keep quiet. He felt tears run down the sides of his face as the older slammed into his prostate over and over again, mixes of pain and pleasure overwhelming him.

A few more hard thrusts and he was letting out a shuddering gasp as he saw stars and came hard. He tried to keep his moans quiet as the older thrust into him more and whined when he suddenly pulled out.

Ian pumped himself as he came on the smaller's stomach and leaned down to kiss him as he breathed hard. He pulled away and smiled before speaking between pants, "Sorry... Sweetie... but it has to be... easy to clean up."

Ben whined again, slightly upset that he didn't get to be filled, and pouted at the half smile half smirk he got as his husband got up and disappeared into the bathroom.

Ian was back a second later with a towel and his clothes looking like nothing had happened. He wiped Ben clean before helping him get his clothes back in order and wiping his tears away.

His breathing still wasn't back to normal as he smirked and ruffled the smaller's hair back to its usual state of messiness, "C'mon." He grabbed the other's hand and dragged him down the hall, stopping at the top of the stairs to take a deep breath and let his current emotions be replaced with an oblivious happiness.

He started down the stairs and called out to their children, "Hey kiddos, whatcha doin' down there?"

Ben stared in shock of how quickly Ian was back to dad mode and cleared his throat before heading down after him.

They were met by Katie, dressed in pink with her brown hair up in a ponytail, speaking in a bored and impatient voice, "What took you so loooong?"

Sadie, dressed in purple with her hair in pigtails, spoke after, "Yeah, it's been foreeeever."

Ian chuckled as he walked over and ruffled the girls' hair before sitting next to little Devan and speaking, "I had something I needed to do." He winked at Ben as he said the last words and the smaller could of sworn he'd never blushed so hard so quickly before.


714 words! Woo, I actually really like this one. The crundee fam will always be one of my fav things to write about xD

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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