Day 29: Gender Swap

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 Continuing yesterday's rant/confession, I may just be burnt out on this ship. Who knows? Maybe someday it'll be fun to write about the dorky, kinky boys again. Maybe it won't. I'm not going to stop writing, not permanently at least - maybe a hiatus, I don't know at at this point. After tomorrow, I'll still finish out the many, many drafts I have in the main crundee book, but I don't know after that.  

So, this one had an interesting draft that I went with for most of it, but I kinda cut off the ending that kinda had all the Ian smut so... oops? I'm just to tired to write it and wanted to rush the ending. It's 1:35 am and I just wanna sleep >.< (if I wasn't editing this as I typed it, I stg it would look like a drunk toddler wrote it...)



Ian's potions had done a lot of things to both him and his lover, though, as the smaller stared at his feminine reflection, he decided this was his least favorite one yet. Turning to the other now-female, Ben let out a sigh and looked up, blushing slightly. 

He took a moment before speaking, "Ian... what are we supposed to do about this?"

A smirk and sing song voice met him, "I have an idea."

The smaller pouted and tried to hold back a smile as he was kissed. He let himself be dragged off to the bedroom where they slowly undressed each other.

Ian left kisses and hickeys all over his lover as he usually did, smirking wide at the strong reaction he got from simply rubbing his fingers over the younger's nipples. Idea popping into mind, he moved his mouth down and sucked on them, enjoying the loud moans he got.

Ben whined about how sensitive he was and dug his nails into the other's shoulders. He moaned louder and writhed as he was given a teasingly strong amount of pleasure, leaving him panting and oh, so close.

He moaned as his lover ran a hand between his legs, feeling an odd, slick substance be spread around.

The older's smirk was obvious as he spoke, "Wow, you're so wet."

A moan was the only response, more quickly following as fingers played with and explored the new parts.

Ben gasped and moaned with even the slightest of movements and found himself moaning louder as his climax hit before the fingers even went inside him. He kept moaning as one finger slipped in, the feeling of clenching around something making his orgasm even stronger. 

Ian slipped in a second finger and slowly moved them around, going faster as he went. It didn't take long for the smaller to come again and he gave a few more rubs to what he found to be an extra sensitive spot. He pulled out his fingers when the orgasm was over and got up with a smirk.

He came back a moment later with a box from the closet and smirked again at the dark blush on his lover's face.

"What? We may as well have fun with these bodies while we have them."

The smaller gave a flustered nod as he hesitantly nodded, though it didn't take long for him to grab a bunch of toys and get busy. He experimented with different toys in a bunch of different places, almost feeling dizzy at how much pleasure he felt.

 He easily got large toys were he had grown more than used to them being and worked up to it in the front. He slowly thrust them in and out, body trembling as pleasure built up and he tried to hold it back. He pulled out the toy in the front, feeling immense waves of pleasure as he did so.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he screamed and moaned as the electric feeling ran through him and panted as they faded. He slowly opened his eyes, staring in both awe and confusion at the thoroughly soaked sheets between his legs.

Ian stared, smirk slowly growing across his face, "Damn, Benny, that was a lot of squirting."

The smaller panted, "H-huh?"

The smirk grew even more, "Guess that just shows how strong you usually come."

He pulled the smaller next to him and gave a kiss to the top of his head, wanting to give at least one more in what he already knew was going to be a long night for his lover. 


582 words! See ya tomorrow, the (thankfully) last day of this challenge!

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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