Chapter 29

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"Okay," Mr. Blake said, "it's Friday, and we're leaving in approximately four hours. We're going to clean up our dorms—it may be a little bit harder for two certain cabins—, you will have some free time to go to the shop, we'll eat lunch, and we'll be on our way home. Got it? Okay."

Michael woke up abruptly. He swung his head back so that it was at a regular position, waking up Ashton in the process. The two of them yawned in unison, and I bit my tongue so I couldn't yawn as well.

Once we had finished our breakfasts and were dismissed, I made my way towards the familiar Fawnskin cabin. It was funny how you could get used to things so quickly. I sure am going to miss this place.

I looked down at the dirt road as I walked back to the cabin. Michael and Ashton were behind me, walking ever so slowly, trying their best to stay awake and not collapse. I looked back at them from time to time, just to make sure they weren't on the floor sleeping. Every time I checked, they were still tiredly holding hands and tripping over everything, so I just assumed they were okay.

Once I made it to Fawnskin, I walked into our dorm and started cleaning up around my bed. I grabbed my suitcase out of the cubbies (surprisingly, the suitcase fit perfectly), and I started packing all of my things. I stuffed my pillow in the suitcase, as well as my towel, my blanket, my sandals, and some other things. I rolled my sleeping bag and put it in its bag. I grabbed my journal and pencil, and stuffed them under my sweater. I didn't have a carry-on like everyone else.

I decided to go to the gift shop on my own. It wasn't like anyone was going to get me in trouble, anyway—it was the last day here, what could they do? I walked across the bridge, and I saw the gift shop from a distance. It was small, smaller than our dorm room alone. I stepped inside, and I smiled at all the things that were for sale.

I immediately bought a string backpack that said "Camp Whittle" on it. I didn't hesitate to pull my journal and pencil out from under my jacket and put it inside the backpack. I looked around the small shop. I bought s'more-flavored Chap Stick, because why the hell not? I bought some gum, just in case I got bored on the ride back to school. I still didn't feel satisfied with the things I had bought, so I looked around for more things.

I looked in the very back corner of the shop, and I saw it. It was a necklace, with a carved wooden pendant. There were also an equal number of wooden beads on the string. The carved pendant looked a little bit like an extraordinary flame, and I smiled.

I don't know why, but I immediately though of Calum. I felt as if this necklace could represent him somehow. My love for Calum was a bit like a flame—it burned brighter with every second that passes. I held it in my hands, and I immediately went to the cashier and bought it.

Once I stepped out of the gift shop, I ripped off the tag and threw the necklace over my head. I held the pendant in my hand, and I smiled at it.

This was Calum's necklace, and I would never take it off as long as I'm alive.


"Good morning, students!" Miss Malone said the following Monday morning.

The entire class simply moaned in response.

The smile on Miss Malone's face faltered. "Well, you certainly sound excited to be back in school," she said sarcastically. "Anyway, I have a surprise for you!"

A few heads jerked up and people seemed to be more awake. Our English teacher paused for a moment, and a small smile was playing on her lips. A few students replied with a "What is it?"

Miss Malone's smile turned into a smirk. "Your final is next Monday."

There was no sign of emotion on my face before. I wasn't smiling at Miss Malone's little joke—in fact, I wasn't smiling at all. My lips turned into a frown at the sudden news. There was an uneasy feeling in my stomach, and there was a lump in my throat. The thought of finals scared me. English was my best subject, so I knew that Malone was tough with grading. Blake said there wouldn't be a final in his class, which relieved me. However, Howell said there would be one last chapter test coming up, and it would be a written test rather than his usual multiple choice tests. And if Armstrong decided to give us a final, I was so fucking screwed. I finally have a D in her class! If I get a bad grade on this final, I'll go back to failing the class. If I fail the class, I won't graduate. If I don't graduate....

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