Career Day

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I'm sorry. Work emergency. I won't be there. Love you.

Peter looked at the text once again. He couldn't believe it. Aunt May wasn't able to attend Career Day at his school. Flash was definitely going to use this against him. With a final glance at the words on the newest Stark phone (Tony's given him one that wasn't even on the market yet) Peter stood up and grabbed his backpack. Just because Aunt May couldn't make it didn't mean he could stay home all day.

He managed to make it to school with only a few minutes to spare and walked slightly out of breath to his locker where MJ and Ned were standing. They appeared to be debating about something.

"I'm just saying Spiderman could totally take down Hulk"

"And I'm just saying he couldn't" MJ retorted.

"Well why don't we ask Spi- I mean Peter?" Ned quickly tried to recover from almost revealing Peter's secret identity.

Peter's eyes bulged at Ned's almost slip-up. "Dude!" He hissed through gritted teeth.

MJ simply let out a laugh. "Relax loser. I've known for months."

Now both Ned and Peter stood in shock. "You knew?!" Peter managed to choke out.

The girl let out another laugh. "I wasn't 100% sure but I am now!" Another laugh rang out through the mostly empty hallway. "Later losers" she began to walk away with a two finger salute.

Peter turned to Ned and glared at him.

"In my defense, I was defending you"
After the discussion with MJ, the only thing on Peter's mind was how horrible he was at keeping his identity a secret. He quickly made a quick list of everyone who knew his secret.

-all the avengers
-Aunt May

Huh. I thought the list would be longer. Oh well. Peter gave a slight chuckle at his conversation (with himself) and continued on his way to class. It was only as he walked into the classroom that he remembered Career Day. Everyone in the classroom had at least one of their parents attending. Peter had nobody. Flash took notice of this and left his parents back at his desk as he made his way over to Peter.

"What's up, Penis? Don't have any parents? Oh yeah. They're dead. They probably killed them selves to get away from you" Flash finished with a smirk and walked back to his parents, satisfied with the tears welling in Peter's eyes. The young boy quickly wiped them away. Nobody could see him crying.
After what felt like forever, Mr. Dumas began the presentations. After 3 teachers, a firefighter, a police officer, 2 accountants, and 2 lawyers (both Flash's parents), the teacher called on Peter.

The poor kid was caught off guard and took a second to respond. "Sorry. I didn't bring anyone. My aunt had a work emergency." He looked at his desk as he fiddled with his hands, embarrassed at his lack of parental figures.

Suddenly the door flew open and a suave man wearing sunglasses and a grey three piece suit walked in. "Sorry teach. Hope I'm not late. Someone-"  he playfully glared at the shocked Peter "-didn't tell me about this thing 'til this morning. Hey, Pete. How's it hangin'?"

Tony Stark.

While everyone was digesting the new information (mainly Peter was only slightly lying about the internship) Peter simply waved and squeaked out a "hi" in response. He was in disbelief that Tony freaking Stark came to his school's Career Day. Nobody said anything for a good minute or so until Tony asked if he could start talking.

"Go right ahead" Mr. Dumas said surprisingly calm. He was probably in denial. But it's okay. Most of the people in that room were too shocked to say anything.

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