chapter 1

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[This story is confusing as hell,but enjoy?]

Claudia's POV

The bell ringed meaning school was over. Yay! I grab my bag and dash out of my English class. I go to my locker and put a few things in before I go to the bus. I wait by the door before they are unlocked by Mr. Matlock our vice principal. A boy stands next to me. "Hey.last day of school, isn't it exiting?!" He asks. I nod.

Summer was starting. School was ending. The doors are unlocked and pretty much everyone runs out. I got to my bus


I sit at the back by the window by my self. The bus driver who is the drama clubs teacher, Mrs. Davis comes in and we all have to shut up :(.

I get my phone out and send my streaks on snap.


The ride was boring. Mrs. Davis stops at my stop and I get out followed by Jacob. My brother. He hates me and I hate him. We've never gotten along. We barely talk. I unlock the door and go inside. I take my vans off and go to the kitchen. Great mom wasn't home.

Lately she hasn't been home and dad has been getting worried.....

She says she hanging out with her girlfriends but idk. My dad doesn't trust her anymore. My dad was sitting on the couch watching a show. "Hey kids, how's school?!" He asks turning to look at us. me and Jacob both stop what we were doing. Jacob freezes as he eats a piece of Bread and I freeze drinking a water bottle.

"It was okay" Jacob says and keeps eating. My dad smiles. "School ended today by the way" Jacob informs my dad. "Oh, so I'm going to have y'all home for a few months then" My dad says. We nod and smile.

The door busts open and my mom comes in with her hair all messed up and her makeup all over the place. You could also see purple marks on her neck and color bones."Kim?! What is wrong with you?!" My dad yells as she goes up the stairs clearly not giving a shit. My dad stands up. "Kids please go to your rooms" He says and follows my mom to their room. "Welp that just happened" Jacob says.

Why is he talking to me? He never talks to me. I furrow my eyebrows and drink water. "Hello I was talking to you" He said again. I literally choke on my water. I chuckle. "I heard" I say. He walks towards me. "What do you want?" I ask backing away. He stands in front of me. I had to look up at him since he was taller.

He puts his hand in a fist. He quickly brings it to my face. I flinch. He begins to laugh. I push him away. "Bro stop! Don't do that!" I say. He begins to laugh even more to the point were he falls to the ground. I chuckle at the view of him dieing on the ground

"Get up dumbass" I say lightly kicking him. He gets up and smiles. I smile back. Confused but I smile back. What's going on??!! We go up the stairs to the hallway. We pass our parents room and hear arguing.

I shrug it off because I'm kind of used to it by now, never known why they argue and never really wanted to know. I was scared to find out so I never bothered to try.

Jacob stops walking to listen. He presses his ear to the door. I stand back against the wall across from our parents room. I feel like if I ever snooped I'd get caught pretty easy. Unlike Jacob, he's the master at it.

"Uhm let's go" Jacob whispers. Why is he whispering?I nod and follow him to his room. I've honestly never been in his room before because it was always off limits. It was not what I expected it to look like. I thought it would be messy and disgusting with shirts and underwear all over the place, instead it was something. he had his blinds shut off making the room dark. But it was lit up by purple and blue lights. He had a bunch of instruments. His room was pretty big too. Nothing I'd ever imagined. he had electric pianos on a metal stool. I sit on his bed.

"What's up with the pianos and the guitar" I say pointing to the guitar on his little chair that looked like an egg. And egg chair??

"I like music" He says sitting on the egg chair. I nod. "Why are you acting like this?" I ask. "Acting like what?" He asks looking up at me. "Why are you being nice? Most of the times you avoid anything that has to do with me. What's up?" I ask putting my hands together.

"Truth is.... " He takes a long pause. "I found out what's been going on with mom and why she always comes home like that" He pauses again and looks down. "I found out why they argue" He says quieter.

"Why does that change how you act towards me? I mean you've always hated me and always picked on me and been an ass, why does finding out why our parents argue change anything?" I ask.

"Because... " He looks up. "Because they might separate us"

New story 💖 give me your thoughts on it:) and who else should be in it.

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