chapter 2

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"What do you mean?" I ask suddenly getting worried. "Dad might get divorced, from what I heard last time" He says standing up. I swear he has no manners. "If he does, he'll want to keep us. Then mom will fight too and most likely take it to court, then they'll do all that shit they do and ask us who we want to go with. If we say dad then mom will probably want to keep at least one of us, she'll say that we hate each other since she knows that we kinda do and then they'll separate us" He says as if it was that simplest thing in the world

"What?" I asked confused. "How do you know this" I ask standing up. "I know a lot of things" He says with a sly smile. "So if we wanna stay together we gotta act like we like each other" He says. "Wait, why do you care if we're together or not?" I ask. He shrugs. "Wouldn't be the same without you I guess, I wouldn't have someone to pick on if I moved with mom"

Moved with mom, so that's who he wants to go with. With mom. The one person who is barely with us?! What about dad.

"You would go with mom?" I ask. He shrugs. "Idk, I feel like if I did I'd have more freedom and wouldn't be under so many rules."I look down. " But if I did go with her, I know she wouldn't protect me at all, probably even forget to feed me. So the chances are with dad" He says and smiles.

One week later

Turns out Jacob was right. I'm sitting in court right now and I'm dieing all these questions are flooding my head. It honestly hurts. Talk about rape eh.

Finally the question both me and Jacob have been waiting for is asked by the jury.

"Now Jacob sartorius, Claudia sartorius, with whom would you prefer to live" The judge asks. Yea umm quick question. Why do they always say Jacob sartorius first? Off topic. I look at Jacob and he looks at me. I'mma give my honest opinion.

The judge looks at me. He makes me even more nervous then I already was.. GREAT JOB HUN!!

"I would like to stay with my father" I say loud and clear. My mom quickly gets up her chair. "IS THIS HOW YOU THANK ME!! BY GOING WITH YOUR FATHER YOU LITTLE WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT.. I KNEW GIVING BIRTH TO YOU WAS A MISTAKE!! IVE ALWAYS LIKED YOUR BROTHER MORE BECAUSE HE DOESN'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES YOU DO!!" she yells at me. ouch. That hurt.

I look down ashamed. I didn't feel bad for my answer tho. "Now, Jacob sartorius, whom would you prefer to live with" He asks him as he orders papers. Jacob looks at me and we make eye contact. He looks at me with no emotion. I couldn't tell if he was feeling sorry, mad,sad or nervous. His eyes didn't show anything. Still looking at me he says loud and clear. "I would like living with my sister".

Everyone starts talking all at once. My mom gets up and begins to scream shit at jacob and I. Then the judge hits the wooden hammer thingy.

" I have made my decision, both Jacob and Claudia sartorius will be staying with their father Gregory sartorius" The judge said and bangs the hammer.


"We're moving to LA" My dad says as we arrive home. The judge said to move as far away from my mom as possible. And since we lived in Virginia moving to LA would be a great choice.

Short chapter, sorry:(

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