chapter 3

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"Well here's our new home!" My dad said as we walked into our new house. It was big. Bigger than our house back in Virginia. I went up the stairs and picked by room. Jacobs room was next to mine. Since all the shit with court ended he's probably going to go back to being an ass to me. Don't worry I'm prepared.

I unpacked all my things and went downstairs to the kitchen. "Kids, what would y'all think if I got remarried?" My dad asks both me and Jacob.. "Ehh, don't you think it's a little too soon" I ask. "Well yes but what about a girlfriend" He says. Both me and Jacob nod.

My dad comes and hugs me and Jacob. After we ate dinner we went to sleep. I just realized I don't know anyone in LA. I don't have any friends. Jacob probably does since he's famous and shit. He's mentioned me before but I never got followers:(


I woke up and heard talking downstairs. Multiple talking. I furrowed my eyebrows and went downstairs. There was a women and a teenage boy who looked around Jacob's age. He had blonde hair and was kinda pale...

"Oh meet my daughter Claudia!, Claudia this is Vanessa and her son mark" He said smiling. Is this his girlfriend?? I smiled and shook hands with Vanessa and Mark.

"Would you go get your brother please" My dad asks. I nod and go upstairs. I don't bother to even knock on his door I just go in. "Jacob" I say and turn the lights on. Jacobs whines fill the room as he covers his eyes. "Go meet dads girlfriend and her son" I say. Jacob quickly gets up.

We walk down the stairs together. "Jacob this is mark and Vanessa" My dad says. Jacob shakes hands with Vanessa and then does the bro thing guys do with mark.

One week later

My dad got remarried so mark is my stepbrother now. Him and Jacob are like best friends. Jacob went back to normal. Mark..... He's nice.

Jacob had friends over and dad and mom weren't home so Jacob and mark were in charge. I went downstairs to the living room to watch Spongebob when I saw Jacobs friends. I tried to run away before they saw me but Jacob held my hand.

"Where do you think you're going?!" He asks tightening his grip. "Jacob let go!" I whine. "Jacob let go!" He mimics me. I sigh. "Come hang out with us!" He says. I shake my head. "I wasn't asking" He says and throws me on the couch. I get up and sit as far from his friends as possible. They all laughed. Little bitches. I rolled my eyes and got my phone out.

I texted a girl who I met a few days after we came to LA, she's very nice and funny. Her name was ariaana Gilinsky. Well I was going to until Jacob snatched my phone.

"Stop!! Give it back" I said running after him. Jacob laughed and threw it to one of his friends. Joey. Gosh how I hated him. I honestly hated all of his friends, they never left me alone. I ran up to Joey and tried to get it. He put it over his head and wiggled it around. If he drops it and it cracks he's buying me a new one.

"Oh my gosh! Fuck you!" I yelled. "Fuck me? You wanna fuck me?!" He said with a sly smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes. "No that's no-".... " Jacob your sister said she wanted to fuck me!" Joey yelled. Jacob quickly came in the room. "Really? Now you wanna get with my friends. You're such a hoe" He says close to my face. I turn to him.

"And you're such a dick" I spit in his face. "Oh shut up you still play with barbies!" He snapped. "Barbies?" I asked confused. "She won't get it" Hunter says annoyed. The fuck. Jacob chuckles. "Watch what comes out of your mouth Claudia" He says threatening me.

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