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3rd person POV

[Lmfaoo that just proves I didnt drop out in 7th grade^]

After the incident in france everyone felt like it was their fault. Especially jacob and joey. Cindy would spend days in her room crying. She would refuse to consume any food and wouldnt talk to anybody.

Joey grew this hatred towards france,but especially towards louis. Since Louis was originally born in Paris france joey hated that place, it brought him so many memories.

Angel lost his positive vibe and became more of an asshole to everyone. He wouldnt show his feelings towards anybody. He was always just serious and rude.

Ian. He would get high most of the time and never talk to anyone. Everyone just stayed in their room and when they had a mission they would kill with no doubt

Sophia wouldnt smile anymore. She would just go around.

Mark. He tried to brighten up Cindy's day all the time,but she would always reject him making him loose hope and give up

A couple days later after the incident jacob was assigned a mission by a rich guy in the mafia named Gustavo. He was a very good looking guy. Sharp jawline, grey looking eyes, and very well styled hair. He assigned them a mission that took place in Colombia. (South america)

Jacob and joey abvously went and to their luck, they got caught. Joey got life in prison and Jacob might be getting a death penalty depending on how many crimes they find hes done.

Joey went kind of sphyco the first week in prison. He almost killed one of the guards so they put him in a high security cell with extra guards

He went to trial and the jury moved him to botogá, colombia's capital. In botogá, he was sent to an insane asylum to treat his mental health since he wanted to kill everyone who talked to him.

Surprise jace isnt dead. Louis isnt dead either

Louis already knew about jace and he ordered some of his men to take him out of the car. so technically they kidnapped him. They didnt kill him tho. he is very much alive

Louis hired a girl named naomi Jones. She was gonna take care of jace for awhile until he was old enough to participate in missions in the mafia with Louis. Naomi doesnt know what Louis does or that he kidnapped jace. Louis had told naomi that jace was his aunts kid who recently passed away and he needed help taking care of him. Naomi believed it since louis looked like a nice guy

Louis survived by jumping off the 3rd floor of the building. He broke one of his legs tho but he made it out alive.

His plan was to kidnap jace and turn him against joey. Jace lives with naomi in Colombia so he has to learn Spanish to get around since they had planned for him to live the rest of his live in botogá and to one day be apart of Louis's mafia

I'm gonna show yall what I imagined the characters as but if you want you can imagine them as whoever you please

Gustavo [grayson dolan]

Gustavo [grayson dolan]

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Naomi [vereena sayed]

Cindy [claudia tihan]

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Cindy [claudia tihan]

Cindy [claudia tihan]

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Louis [chase keith]

Ahh also Imma be making a second book to this named sphycopath, so like a sequel I guess

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Ahh also Imma be making a second book to this named sphycopath, so like a sequel I guess

Some of the same characters in this book are gonna be in sphycopath but if I come up with new people I'll probably show yall what they look like

If you wanna know what someone looks like then comment it and I'll tell you

If you have any questions ask them and I'll answer😌🤚


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