chapter 28 [im back hi]

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First of all I wanna start this chapter by saying that I dont really give a fuck if she copied me anymore. Well I do care but ya know

Her book starts with the main character getting bullied by her brother and joey, yet her and her brother still love each other deep down.

But AN E WAYS I'm gonna keep writing this book. Uhm how I came up with ideas for this book is I either dream of them or when I'm listening to songs I day dream and think of weird shit and boom my chapters are born.

It's very rude of someone to steal your ideas, I mean it's fine if you get Inspired but just like dont copy everything and give credit.

K moving on..if you have to say something about this situation then like just say it. I dont mind...also that picture of the fish is from this dude's snap who goes to my school who called joey ugly and said he didnt have abs... his name is Kelly and he has a girlfriend named Sarah yet hes always looking at me in class.

I'd give out his snap but I dont give out free shoutouts ;)))

Claudia's POV

It's been 3 months. Joey has been acting weird. He isnt home that much anymore. Sophia isnt so sad about lexi's death. Shes been hanging out with me alot and is very excited for the baby. I don't know what gender it is yet. I want it to be a surprise for me and joey. Joey hasn't been going to appointments with me. Its Sophia and Johnny who have [ship,k bye]

"Do you want some icecream?" Sophia asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

It was 12:24 PM and as usual joey wasnt home. He gives me dumb excuses on why he leaves. And other times he just leaves.

I nod and soph gets me cookie dough icecream.

"So what do you want it to be?" Soph asks smiling as she sits next to me

I furrow my eyebrows "what?"

"The baby" she says chuckling "oh! It doesnt matter really" I say

"What do you think joey wants?" I ask after a while. She shrugs "why dont you ask him"

I look away "hes barely home anymore" I say looking at the TV.

Sophia puts her hand on my shoulder "relax, hes probably planning something big for you.. .like a baby shower "

My heart lights up a bit "you really think so?" I question. She nods "just wait and see" she says.

Hours pass and sleep took over me.

*next day*

I wake up and rub my eyes. I sit up and look around. Sophia was still sleeping. I stand up and walk upstairs to my room.

I open the door and the smell of liquor and weed fills my nostrils. Then I see Joey knocked out on the bed....sleeping in some weird position.

I tap his shoulder lightly... when he doesnt respond I push him a little and he groans.

"What the fuck do you want" he mumbles pushing my hand away. "Joey, please wake up..we need to talk"

"Not now" he mumbles again shifting positions.

"please" I say playing with a piece of his hair. He opens his eyes and groans. "Ugh what!" He says rolling his eyes.

I look down and take my hand away from him. "Can you come to my appointment with me tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" He asks. I nod "please"

"I'll see-" before he could finish I wrap my arms around his neck and start kissing all over his face. I hear him lightly giggle as he puts his hand on my waist.

I look in his eyes and we make eye contact. He smiles. Gosh I havent seen him smile in weeks. Suddenly his smile faints and he looks away.

"What's wrong?" I ask putting my hands on both sides of his face. He shakes his head "nothing...uhm hows the baby?" He says really fast. I give him a side smile.

"Good, doctor said hes healthy and should be here in about 5 months" I say touching my stomach.

It's a medium sized belly..not huge but not tiny either. He smiles and places his hand on my stomach.. that's the first time hes ever touched it. "5 more months.." he softly says rubbing his thumb over my stomach.

I look at him and smile. Joey then gasps "did you feel that!" He says as his eyes widen. I nod smiling "he likes you" I say touching Joey's head.

"He?- wait you already know the gender-"... "no not yet, I'm waiting for you to come with me so we can both find out at the same time. "

He nods. His moods change alot very quickly..just a few minutes ago he was annoyed and pissed and now hes soft and happy with the news I told him.

He might not be the best father figure but to me and my child he'll be just perfect. And we'll have the perfect family...together.. he'll protect us and keep us happy.

I know Joey's capable of doing that for me. I believe in him

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