chapter 35

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Next day still Cindy's pov

"Angel, wheres joey?" I ask for the 5 hundredth time. "Uh .. he's...they had to stay a-a little bit longer" he finally answers shuttering. I furrow my eyebrows "tell me truth you stanky rat" I say walking up to him with a knife. He gulps "yo chill-"

"Dont tell me to chill. You tell me where the fuck joey and jacob are or else your dick is gone"

He furrows his eyebrows "y-you wouldnt do that"

"Try me" I say looking at him straight in the eyes. He gulps "okay fine! But put the fucking knife down first" I roll my eyes and throw it on the floor

"Uhm yea I gotta go sweatie bye bye" he says and runs away. Ugh of the new members, I dont even know why jacob accepted him. Hes such a fucking slut. All he does is drink and smoke 24/7. Hes young as fuck too..just turned 17 three weeks ago so ofcourse he doesn't know what he got into

I honestly hate angel for being a dumbass. I know some teenage boys dream of having cars and money and well that includes being in a gang. They think that their life is gonna get so much better, but trust me doesnt. the innocent people you have to kill stay in your mind for the rest of your life.

Jacob dropped everything, his career on social media, his health, just everything.

He disappeared from Instagram and forced everybody else to do the same. We're allowed to have Instagram but the acc must be private and you cant show your real name

Angel is just a kid who heard about jacob and his "perfect" lifestyle, with his million dollar cars and his own mansion. Jacob isnt a good role model to follow

[Hey no hate to jacob, I love him and his music, I think hes great but in the story he isnt ♡]

We had to get new members bc the other kept getting killed by this other gang that went by the name starlight. Dumbass name for a gang if you ask me

I get snapped out of my thoughts by jace chasing angel. I furrow my eyebrows and watch them. Angel trips over a doggie toy and jace shoots him with a gun..a toy gun

Angel starts moving around and doing weird shit pretending hes dead making jace laugh. I smile and roll my eyes as I stand up.

Everyone in this house is so nice to jace, they always play around with him and try to make his life seem like a normal life.

[Correct me if I'm wrong but zach,hunter,loren,and tyler made it out of the explosion in the restaurant and havent died yet,right?]

"Look" loren says scaring the shit out of me. "I got a tattoo" she smiles and shows me it. "Cute" I say smiling. I'm pretty sure Loren is dating alex, one of the new kids.

[Yes blesiv]

I sigh. I miss joey, I just wish I could talk to someone and rant to someone about my life.


I look over to my left and see ian...once again,another new b


Ian is quiet ...a little too quiet for my liking sometimes. Hes 19, more mature than angel for sure. He has wavy dark brown hair and is pale. His ears are pierced and he always seems sad. I dont blame him, Ian's background story is different from Angel's. .ian didnt join just for fun and money like angel did, Ian's parents sold him to jacob.

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