chapter 10

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She looks down  and doesnt say anything. I lightly open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"Please tell me, did charles hurt you? Did he touch you?" I lightly say. She looks up and a tear falls down her cheek. My heart breaks into a million pieces. I clench my jaw in anger. "Answer me!" I say looking straight in her eyes .she lightly nods. I close my eyes in anger. I wanted to go back into that house and kill Charles

"What did he do to you?" I ask.

"Last night, he started touching me in the middle of the night and I didnt like it so I told him to stop but he wouldnt so I kicked him in his soft spot and he tied me to his bed naked and started to touch me. He then took his clothes off an-and" she stops talking and looks away as a tear falls down her eye.

"I feel disgusting,joey" she says wiping her tears. I sigh "it's going to be okay,and dont be, it wasnt your fault" I say feeling guilty for making her run away the other day. She shakes her head and looks out her window. Lexi then stops the car at a new house. Df

"We're here.get out" she says rolling her eyes. I furrow my eyebrows and get out. I help zach get out too. Malu opens the door for me. "Take him upstairs to a room,jacob called a nurse to come take care of him" she says. I nod and I walk him to an empty room. "Joey,man if I die....tell my fans I love them" he says. I shake my head "no, because you're not dieing" I say. I hear a knock on the door and a lady comes in

"Excuse me I'm here to take care of zach clayton" she says blushing looking down.i nod and walk out the room.i close the door and run a hand through my hair.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.the house was big. I dont know how to feel about it tho. Everyone was in the kitchen.

"Everybody...everything is going back to normal..same roommates....understood....okay" he says smiling as he opens a bag a chips.

I press my lips together. "Let's all go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." He says and then walks up the stairs.

I watch everyone get up and go upstairs. I follow claudia up the stiars and into a room she liked. She opens the door and walks in. She takes her hoodie off and takes her shoes off

"Are you going to take a shower?" I ask. She shakes her head "I just want to go to sleep, I want to sleep in peace." She says . I nod. She was wearing shorts and a tanktop. She lays down on the bed and sighs. I take my shirt off and my pants. I put on some sweats and that's it. I lay next to her.

"Is it okay if I hug you?" I ask.

It takes her a few seconds to answer but finally she gives me a small nod. I wrap my arm around her waist and she hugs it. I scoot closer to her. This girl makes me feel different. She makes me want to keep her safe and to never let her go.

"I'm sorry" I whisper in her ear. "For what?" She whispers back. "For hurting you,I'm sorry" I whisper tightening my grip around her. She doesnt say anything back which makes me feel as if she didnt accept my apology. I close my eyes losing hope.

"I missed you joey" she whispers. I smile. "I missed you too" I truthfully tell her. I put my face on the crook of her neck. "Will you forgive me?" I ask. She turns her body so that she was facing me. We make eye contact. "Yes joey. I forgive you" she says. I cant help but smile.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. She smiles and nods. She wraps her arms around my neck and I hug back. I got my baby back...i got my barbie

|hi just wanted to say that it is currently 12:20 pm....umm i should be asleep, I have school tomorrow...but do I care...nah♡♡|

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