chapter 29

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"So what are you gonna name the baby?" Jacob asks as he closes his pb&j and sits next to me.

I look at him "we're going to go find out the gender today, well that is if joey comes home in time" I say looking at the time in my phone

Jacob looks back at the door "where did he go?"

I sigh " he said he had to go fix something with someone"

Jacob nods "well he better be here on time!" He says shoving the last piece of bread in his mouth [😂]

I stand up and go to the bathroom. I look at myself In the mirror and turn to the side to look at my belly. I touch it and smile. Its gotten bigger and the baby kicks have also gotten harder

I grab my purse and walk out the door and go downstairs. Johnny is like my bestfriend. Nothing more and I hope joey understands that, he still doesnt like him and glares at him

"Let's go or we're gonna be late" johnny says grabbing his car keys as Sophia stands next to him

Jacob stands up "I'm going too, I wanna know what the baby is" he says smiling and putting his hand on my shoulder. "Can we wait a little bit longer for joey" I ask johnny. He sighs

"3 minutes, then we go" he says sitting back down

I grab my phone and text joey asking him where he was at and when he was coming

3 minutes pass and johnny and everyone else basically force me to leave the house without joey.

I look out the window of the car as I touch my belly. I feel a little kick and smile

I sigh and soph lays her head on my shoulder "its fine, he probably just got stuck in traffic " I look at her and she gives me a fake smile. I look away and out the window again.

We arrive at the place [I dont know a proper name to call it,k moving on] and sign in

I look around hoping to see joey walk in the door. The doctor calls my name and we go in the room

Joey's POV

I quickly get in my car leaving her unanswered. I check the time and see its 6:32 Claudia's appointment started at 6. fuck!

I put my phone away and speed to try to get there as quick as possible

I park my car outside and run inside. I look around and cant find her. I look at the time in my phone and see its 6:50 PM

I run a hand through my hair before hearing my name being shouted. I turn around and she runs to me and jumps in my arms.

I look down and see her blonde hair. "Yo get off !" I say trying to push her off. She shakes her head "joey whyd you leave this morning without telling me-"

"Bro shut up and get off of me" I say putting my hands on her waist and lightly pushing her off.

I look down at her "stacy! Whatever we had is over! I'm not having sex with you anymore !" I finally say a bit loud

Everything goes silent and I look around.

Claudia was standing outside the door with a picture in her hand. She just stares at me and stacy . Finally she slams the piece of paper on Jacob's chest and runs out of the building.

I yell her name but stacy keeps holding on.

"Let go of me!" I shout at her and push her off. I try to run behind claudia but jacob holds me back

"What the fuck is wrong with you-"... "please let me go talk to her" I say

I dont let him finish I just run and chase her. I run out the building and look around for her. I finally spot her sitting on a bench looking at the sunset

I sigh and go behind her. I put my hand on her shoulder and she flinches

"Dont touch me" she says gulping. I take my hand away

"Listen-"... "no joey! I'm not just gonna sit around while you go and fuck some dirty slut that you found at a bar! I'm tired of you just fucking playing with me as if I'm some type of toy. Im not like a barbie that you can just play around with and throw away once you get tired of. "

" joey I had hope that you were gonna change and that we would actually get somewhere as a family. I dont want to see you ever again" she cries as her breathing gets heavier

"W-what about the baby" I ask.

She looks at me and shakes her head

"You are not getting near me and my baby ever again joey! Just leave me alone and stop fucking playing with me like its some type of joke. Joey we were so fucking close to having a family and you fucking ruined it! You're so fucking selfish, all the time you always think about yourself!"

At this point I was crying "please dont take the baby away from me, please" I say holding her hand . She pulls them away. "Stay away from me joey, I dont want anything to do with you-"

She doesnt finish her sentence and faints but I catch her before she falls to the ground.

My heart stops and I touch her face. Tears were running down my face as my hands begin to shake even more.

I run back in the building and basically yell our for help. Doctors and nurses quickly take her out of my arms and into a room. I sit in the waiting room scared.

Jacob comes in furious.  "What did you fucking do joey!" He shouts pushing me back on the chair.

"Jacob-" he doesnt let me finish, instead he punches me across the face  and just starts punching me.

He finally gets pulled off of me by two security guards. 

I stand up and go in the bathroom. I stand infront of the mirror and notice I was still crying. Not from jacob punching me, from what she said to me .

Stay away from me

keeps replaying in my head.

I really fucked up and now she hates me. She doesn't want me to have anything to do with our baby

I wipe the blood off my mouth along with my tears.

If she really wants me to leave her alone that bad then That's what I'll do

I'll disappear out of her live

|Joey's leaving! I'm almost done moving my stuff to the new house so I'll probably update more often next week, its 11:33 PM rn💀 25 votes for next chapter idc  💞|

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