chapter 39

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Santiago's POV

"Do what you gotta do joseph" I say letting him in the room.

Joey's pov

Santiago locks the door and I look around and see a guy tied up in a chair. "Please help me! I didnt do anyth-" I cut him off by slapping him across the face.

"Please have merc-"

"Shutup!" I shout annoyed. I go over to the table and grab a knife. I get down on my knees "where is Louis" I ask looking at him. His blue eyes were filled with fear. He shakes his head "I dont know"

I roll my eyes and cut his thigh making him scream in pain "Please stop I have a family-"

"A family huh?" I say stopping. He looks up at me and his eyes widen "no, dont hurt them please" he says moving around trying to get out of the chair.

"Tell me where Louis is!" I demand

"I already told you! I don't know"

I roll my eyes, I really dont have time for his bullshit. I put the knife against this other thigh and look at him in the eyes. "Tell me where he is or you're dead"

He begins to cry "please,dont hurt me! I have a daughter who is only 5-"

"And I had a son who was only 3!" I shout at him. I open his mouth and grab his tongue with my fingers. He starts to move alot making me get frustrated. I put the knife against his tongue and mouth 'you had your chance' before cutting it off splattering blood everywhere as his screams filled the room. I throw the bloody knife on the floor and wipe my hands on my black jeans.

I make my way to the door. Santiago unlocks it and gets me out. He looks at me with a blank stare. I roll my eyes and walk down the hallway "you couldve waited a little bit longer joseph" I hear him say as i close the big metal door.

"Whatever" I mumble walking in my cell.

I lay down and look at my hands. I wipe them on my shirt trying to clean them from the blood. I groan and get up. It was most likely 3 or 4 am

I walked down the hallway and saw a girl talking to Maggie at the front desk. She was really pretty. I looked at her up and down and licked my lips. I shake my head and walk in the bathroom smirking. I wash my hands and put some water on my hair to moisturize it🙆‍♂️

*30 minutes later🐌*

It was all silent in the room and dark. I played with my necklace as I watched the clock tic.

Suddenly I hear giggles and running outside my room door. Instantly the big metal door is opened followed by a little giggle. I furrow my eyebrows and sit up a little to see who it was.

The door is closed and all I could hear was the uneven breathing of a child. I furrow my eyebrows when I hear the kid sigh and sit down on the floor.

He turns the lights on making me squeeze my eyes shut. I open them and blink a few times to get my eyes used to the lighting

My eyes widen when I see his face. I rub my eyes and look at him again. He smiles at me confused

"J-jace?" I ask slowly walking towards him. He furrows his eyebrows "my name is chase" he giggles "not jace"
I shake my head. I swear he looked just like jace. His hair, his eyes, his everything. He looks like jace

I look in his eyes and feel myself about to cry. He looked so innocent and precious. I'm 3837% sure that is jace . His voice and everything is just like how jace was.

I sit down on the floor as I feel tears form in my eyes. I feel a little hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

I look at him as a tear falls down my cheek. "Dont you remember me?" I ask . He furrows his eyebrows and slowly shakes his head no breaking my heart into a million pieces

I notice a little blue heart necklace around his neck. "Can I hug you?" I ask

He smiles at me and nods. I open my arms and he walks towards me wrapping his arms around my neck. I hug him. I dont wanna let go of him. I dont know why hes here....but I want him to stay with me, I want to protect him and keep him safe. This might be the last time I see him.

"You really dont remember me?" I whisper. He shakes his head "no"

Theres a silence in the room but I still dont let go of him. "What's your name" he whispers laying his head on my shoulder.

I feel my heart get hit by a thousand bullets when I hear his question

I shake my head "it's better if you dont know" I whisper. He pulls away and looks at me "why not" he asks confused. I shrug "tell me your name" he smiles at me and i look away.

"Jo-" I cut myself off. This probably isnt healthy for him. Whoever had him probably drugged him so he could loose his he wouldn't remember me and cindy

"Jo?....jojo?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows. I smile at the thought of when he told me that only he could call me jojo. I shrug "sure"

He smiles and touches the C on my necklace. "What does that mean"

"Its the letter of someones name" I smile at him. "Who? What's her name"


"Ouu is she pretty?" I look down at him a chuckle "yeah shes the most beautiful person on this planet and I love her with my whole heart"

"Hopefully one day I can meet her" he looks down and lays his head on my chest " I feel like I know you" he looks up at me. "Maybe you did"

Before he could say anything the name chase is being shouted outside the door meaning they're probably looking for him

His grip around me tightens "what's wrong?" I ask confused. "I dont wanna go with naomi" he frowns. "Why not"

"I dont like her, shes a meanie and yells at me for no reason at all sometimes"

I look at him and hold both sides of his face "try to come back tomorrow, I'll be here, But dont tell anyone that you talked to me or about me...okay?" I kiss his forehead and he smiles "okay..I'll try to see you tomorrow jojo" he gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks towards the metal door. He stands infront of it and freezes before running back to me and giving me a big hug.

I smile "I'm gonna miss you so much" I whisper hugging him not wanting to let go. He pulls away and waves before running out the room

I look down at my hands and notice how bad they looked.

I smile at the thought that jace isnt dead, that jace is still alive and I still have a chance of getting him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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