Chapter 29

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3 days later

Lanie opens her eyes slowly. She felt her body is heavy and aching. She realized she had oxygen on her nose. She can't move her body easily. She is looking up the ceiling trying to find a clue where is she.  She realized she's in the hospital and she has no idea why she's here. 

She's trying to look at her side even though it hurts her head to move.  She saw a man buried his face on the edge of the bed beside her hand. She slowly reaches his head even though it hurts. A touch of her hand made Hunter woke up immediately.

" Lanie!  You're awake, thank goodness! " He exclaimed in delight seeing her alive.

" What happened? " She said with confused in a lower voice.

" You don't remember? " He asked. 

" I remember I was in the cab"

" Someone it's trying to kill you. A car smashes the cab then you're in a coma"

"I had a nightmare that someone want to kill me and I died in the dream.  I guess this is it.  Maybe someone will finish to kill me later "

" What the hell are you thinking "

" I guess this a punishment "

" What did you do? "

" It's me who is Elle on twitter. Who tweeted about Jerry's past relationship. You know I just want to destroy him"

Hunter sighed in annoyance. He knew it's was her who started the mess on social media and now social media is crazy.

" I'm disappointed " He admits. 

" Coz Jerry is your friend " She assumed.

" No, I'm disappointed coz you are careless!  Your parents involved "

" What do you mean? "

" Your parents receive a threat from unknown"

" I didn't expect that coming!  I was careful!" She said.

"It's not guaranteed posting on social media is safe everyone though you set up your acct is private.  Hacker can still see it. Remember,  you're once an heiress. Hackers are interesting for you "

What a truth slap!  Lanie remained silent, Her main goal to ruin Jerry and what happened they receive a threat from unknown. 

Amanda arrived at the hospital to visit Lanie. She knocked on the door and it was open little by Hunter.

" May I know who are you? "

" Amanda Meyers, I'm here to visit my friend, Lanie"

" How did you know she's here" Hunter said firmly. Lanie's parents forbid to visit someone except him. He is in charge to watch her while they are busy how to protect Lanie and the family.

" I saw a tweet from her " She showed him her phone about the tweet at him

He is shocked, he is assuming she hacked her account. He tried to stay calm " She doesn't have a twitter"

" I know you are protecting her.  I know she's Elle"

"  I don't even know who is Elle.  I'm sorry you're not allowed to visit her today.  She's not well in her condition at this moment"

" Don't fool me,  I know you know Elle.   Let her know Amanda is here, Thank you,  Hunter " She smirked. 

" O...kay " He said with a tone of shock. How did she know his name

" It seems you don't know me, I'm Jerry's husband, by the way " She walked out.

Hunter is jaw dropped. No wonder why she knows his name. He closed the door and Lanie asked him who's that.

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