Chapter 3: Many Things Can Happen in Two Hours

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     I am going to warn you now, this chapter can get a bit out of hand. If you read the last chapter you should know that their playing poker, add alcohol to the mix and you have me giving a warning. There will be slight be nudity and a lot of drunk stupidity. If you don't like that kind of stuff then skip this chapter, you won't miss anything important to the plot. Though most of the jokes and embarrassing stories will be based off of this chapter. Well I hope you enjoy this crack filled chapter my precious little kittens, and yes I will be calling y'all kittens from now on, deal with it because it's not changing any time soon.  


She screamed. The sight in front of her had terrified the girl. She curled up in a ball, pressing herself in the corner, trying to get away from the body while still staying in the room. Her screams echoed throughout the room and continued even when she stopped.

Wendy's POV:

     I watched as Kitty downed another bottle of wine. That's her fifth one, when did this become a drinking contest? I thought they were playing poker. "So Nagisa... How about we raise the stakes a bit." Said Kitty take another sip out of her bottle of wine. "Yeah how 'bout for every time we lose a round of poker we have to give up 100 gold coins to the winner and take off a piece of clothing." Replied Nagisa. How do they sound so normal, they should be drunk. Hammered! With the amount of alcohol they've drank.

     "Hey Wendy come join us." Slurred a drunk Christie with a half empty bottle of wine in her hand. "No, I think I'm fine thank you very much. I don't want to get involved in your crazy." Backing away from them. The crazy glint in their eyes told me that I wouldn't be getting away that easily. "It's okay Wendy, everything will be fine." Said Bolt, an insane grin plastered on her face. I cried out as they restrained me and poured wine down my throat. Help me...

                                                                               Two hours later...

No One's POV:

     Nagisa and Kitty were the only ones still playing poker, though it seemed both of them had finally gotten drunk. Nagisa was missing the whole top half of her uniform except for an undershirt, her short hair was sticking up in random directions, and she had a small pile of coins in front of her instead of the  previously large pile. Kitty sat at the other side of the table, in a pair of pants with no top what so ever. Though, luckily her chest was wrapped in bandages so no people were scarred for life. Well, most people... Lets just say that the unlucky person passed out as soon as saw the shirtless Kitty.

     Wendy lay knocked out on the ground along with Bolt, while Christie and Addy cuddled with a bottle of wine between them. Shortly after the girls had forced wine down Wendy's throat they had gotten her to play poker with them. Though she refused to strip every time she lost a round instead she had to drink a shot, which she surprisingly agreed to, but it was mostly the alcohol talking. In those two short hours they found out that Wendy was a very light drinker along with the fact that she was a sad drunk. 

     Some how Kouen had ended up at the poker table and was currently getting his ass handed to him by Kitty, who still didn't seem to show any signs of being drunk even though she had had 12 bottles already(Seriously, how is she doing this!). Nagisa was just starting to look drunk after downing her tenth bottle of wine, a loopy grin already plastered on her face, as she watched her best friend collect another 100 gold coins from the poor head head. Kouen was starting to look distressed at the amount of money he had lost to the blonde maid.

     Makoto's audience with the two princes was doing well except for the fact that Jasmine was crying into her lap. Poor Makoto tried to comfort her but it only made her cling onto he even more. Hakuren had pasted out from laughing about Makoto's predicament. The maid had tried to sort things out with Hakuyuu but it's hard to seem serious when you have a crying girl clinging to you. A young girl? Had randomly popped into the two's conversation and because of Jasmine's 'lack of respect', sent all the girls down to the palace dungeon.

 A young girl? Had randomly popped into the two's conversation and because of Jasmine's 'lack of respect', sent all the girls down to the palace dungeon

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                         (This is the kid that threw them in he dungeon. Aren't they just adorable!)

     Kouen by then had burst into tears surprising the people around him. His ego destroyed and pockets empty, he walked away from the poker table and to his room to sulk. They money that the girls had won had disappeared as soon as they were sent down to the dungeon along with the mess they had made, and anything else that hadn't belonged out in the court yard.

     I hoped you liked it. Everything was getting a bit boring, in my opinion, so I decided to spice it up a bit by adding some more of my friend's personality traits into it. Well expect more crazy and a lot of randomness for the rest of the chapters. Bye my little kittens(no offence if your big or small)! Neko-chan out! 

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