Chapter 7: Crumbling

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"Don't judge me cause I'm quiet. No one plans a murder out loud"

-Bolt Ryuzaki


Makoto's POV(didn't expect that now did ya):

     Bolt hasn't left Kitty's side since she woke up. Nothing is the same. The sound of Wendy yelling at the girls is nonexistent and Nagisa isn't going anything illegal or stupid. Kitty you have to wake up, or we'll all crumble under the weight of depression. You can't leave us like they did.  


    Blood pooled on the ground, the puddle slowly growing bigger every passing second. A scream ripped through the air. Tears blurred my vision, my throat burned from screaming. M'Lord and Lady were...were...dead. How? How did this happen? Who could have done this? Every thing seems so dull. The color seems to be draining out of the picture, just like their blood. Black and white are all I see now, as my shoes were covered in the crimson liquid. Sticking to me as if they had wanted to comfort me as they bled out. The smell filled my nose, smothered me, suffocated me. "It's okay, Makoto. They wouldn't want us to cry over them. They would have wanted us to be happy, because they'll always be with us. Even in death their watching over us." said someone behind me. I turned around and saw Kitty. 

     Tears streamed down her face, but in spite of that a smile rested on her face. "How can you be so strong?" I whispered. She had heard me, but her answer broke my heart,"I'm not strong. I've just been broken so many times that a little more pain won't kill me." "Oh Kitty." I breathed out wrapping my arms around her in a hug. "It hurts! It hurts so much! But I must bear with this pain. I don't want you guys to have to feel this, so I will take it for you." She broke down, screaming in agony. Kitty... You say your not strong, but truly underestimate yourself. Your the strongest out of all of us.

                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     Kitty has always had everyone backs, protecting us to the bitter end without wanting anything in return. Now here I am being selfish once again, wanting her to wake up just so she can brighten up the mood. We're all crumbling, slowly falling into depravity. Depression is bliss and effecting all us. Nagisa has started to take things seriously, as though to help now that Kitty isn't there to help. Addy is quieter than usual, she hasn't said a word or cracked a joke since. Wendy seems indifferent and even if she doesn't want to admit it, it effected her. We can handle another death. She's always comforted us when the goings been rough, so who will do that when she's gone. If Kitty dies, all our walls will come crumbling down.

     I know this was a short chapter to leave you on for a week, but it gives you a bit of insight on what their past is. Remember those depressing little chapter starters from the beginning of the book. Well this is where they come in. So far I know the story seems to be revolving around Kitty, but in reality she just supports everyone. In order for the story to get to where I wan't it to Kitty has to take the lead for a while. If I made her a Mary Sue or the main character I'm sorry, that wasn't my goal. I hope you liked it! Good bye, my adorable little kittens. Neko-chan out!

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