Chapter 19: Their Return

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"At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not your life."

-Makoto Himiko


     It had been three days since Rosie had a fever and the palace was buzzing with life. The palace staff had come back the day after Rosie had fallen ill giving her the time she needed to recover. Now, two days later, she was completely healthy and getting ready to start her day when someone knocked on the door. Kouha opened the door and the messenger said that he was needed in the throne room to greet the visitors from Nazarik. As soon as the messenger left, Rosie spoke up. "Well mom. It seems that both of us must leave now. Bye, see you later!" She said as she opened the door to leave. "And where are you going Rosie?" Asked their mother. "To work." Was Rosie's reply before she shut the door, with Kouha slowly walking out after her. Their mother sighed at how different they acted when it came to work, and quickly busied herself with pouring some tea for herself. 'Maybe I should drop by later to see who the people from Nazarik are.' She thought as she sipped her tea.

     Meanwhile, the Royal family of the Kou Empire stood at the gilded gates of the Palace, waiting for their guests from Nazarik. There seemed to be no signs that anyone was going to come down the road any time and started to turn to go in when a roar shook the ground beneath them. Air pressure burst from behind them causing their hair to whip around wildly, and their robes to flutter in the direction the new air current was going. They turned around and were greeted by the sight of a small envoy of dragons landing in front of the gates. In the front stood a gigantic icy blue and gray dragon, large horns protruded from it's head and spikes that went all the way down to to it's tail. It dwarfed all the other dragons that stood behind it and seemed to be the leader of the pack.

     The icy dragon let out an icy huff and bent it's head down, as though it were bowing, and that's when the Kou residents realized there was a person on the dragon's head. The person was a girl with long blue hair, she wore a strapless white ruffly cocktail dress that pooled down onto the ground below her, a spiderweb design that looked to be made of gold rested on the front of the dress and attached to the white collared choker that she wore around her neck, an extremely large black robe hung off of her shoulders and dragged on the ground behind, she held an overly large crooked staff made of gold wood with jewels embedded in the top of the crown like top of the staff in her right hand, and white crown that looked like horns wrapped around her head.

     The girl jumped off of the dragon, and instead of landing, she floated just above the ground with the staff in her grasp. Figures soon got of the other dragons and gathered around the blue haired girl. The group made their way to the Kou Imperial family. When they arrived the girl with blue hair spoke up, "Thank you allowing us to come. My name is Jasmine Ooal Gown, I am the current ruler of the Nazarik Empire." Those two sentences stunned the residents of Kou. "What do you mean b-" Said Kouen but was soon cut off by Princess Jasmine. "How about we move this conversation to somewhere prying ears won't hear." She said and floated to the throne room.

     A figure in bright colors jumped onto to the top of the staff Jasmine was holding, perching on the crown, though no one seemed to notice them except for the person holding the staff who smiled when the figure arrived. They passed through countless hallways and passages, startling the staff members that they passed. Most of them noticing the colorful figure wearing a skull mask on top of the ginormous staff. When the group reached the throne room, the atmosphere became increasingly tense. "So you're the Princess," asked the Emperor, "Why didn't you inform us of this beforehand." "That was merely a way to protect the Princess while we were in a foreign country we knew nothing of. Though, now that we're allies, I say that it would be perfectly fine if you knew." Said Princess Jasmine. "And who are the lovely ladies standing behind you?" Asked the Emperor. "These are my Generals, all of them." Was Jasmine's reply.

     "Does that mean that we'll be meeting your Commander." Asked Hakuyuu, his navy blue eyes glinting in excitement. "Well of course my liege." Giggled a feminine voice. All eyes snapped up to where the figure stood on top of the staff. She wore an almost tribal looking out fit, consisting of an orange bra like top with yellow tassles, a two layer orange and yellow skirt that tied together with a purple sash on the side, and a what seem to be some type of animal skull with horns covering her face. She flipped off of the staff an her bare feet landed on the ground gracefully and her vibrant red hair swayed from side to side. A smirk forming on her lips as she pulled her mask off, revealing her ruby red eyes to the Kou Imperial family. She held her mask to her chest as she knelt down before them.

"My name is..." 

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