Chapter 22: Her Smile

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"The readers demand an update dear Author-chan~!"

-Kitty Ryozaki


     "Mom! Kouha! Bolt! Anyone!" Screamed Kitty, hoping to get a response. It had happened in the middle of the night. Striking so suddenly and out of the blue that it took everyone by surprise. Panic had spread quickly causing chaos. "Mistress! Wendy! Makoto!" Kitty's pitiful cries were drowned out by the roaring flames. "Kougyoku!" She cried, tears streaming down her face. "Anyone! Please answer me!" She screamed her voice cracking and still nobody replied. The flames were closing in and fear slowly made it's way into her heart. Her body shook as she realized that everyone was probably dead. She fell to the floor sobbing not caring about how the fire was steadily creeping towards her. Not hearing the footsteps rushing her way. Nor the fact that someone was shaking her until she hear a voice screaming her name. "Kitty!" Cried the voice. Then saw it. The fire closing in on both her and Hakuryuu. 

     He had been trying to warn her. In that moment nothing mattered more to her other than getting him to safety as she picked him up and ran through the flames to safety. It didn't matter that the flames were burning her as she ran or the fact that it was getting harder and harder to breathe. Hakuryuu's cries filled her ears, wailing for his brothers and cursing his mother for their death. "It's okay Hakuryuu, I'm to make sure that you make it out of here alive." She whispered patting his back. "It's not okay! I left them there! Hakuyuu and Hakuren are still back there!" He cried tears rolled down his face and Kitty tighten her grip on him as if to somehow tell him everything was going to be alright. 

     The sound of their heartbeats drowned out the crackling of the fire. Screams of agony filled the air but Kitty kept running. Even as puppets from Al-Tharmen came out and attacked, their attacks hitting her head on, she still ran and protected Hakuryuu. A flaming support beam fell and Kitty through Hakuryuu out harms way only for herself to get crushed. "Kitty!" His shrill scream cut through the air and he scrambled towards her. "Come on Kitty we have to get out of here!" He yelled pulling on her arm. "Oh Hakuryuu." She said tears once more welling up in her eyes. "I want you promise me something before you leave." Croaked out Kitty, the beam searing into her flesh. "No! I'm not going anywhere without you! I not making that mistake again! I'm not going to leave you like I di-" "Hakuryuu listen to me! Please! You have to life your life for your brothers and I! Just promise you won't waste your life away on petty revenge. It won't get you anywhere. Work with your cousins and sister, and help them recover for me, don't hate them for something they couldn't control. Instead, help them achieve their goal and live a happy life." Said Kitty as she crawled out from under the beam and held him in her arms. "No! I won't leave you!" He cried. 

     Kitty's grip on him tighten as sobs racked her body, causing her to tremble violently. "Promise me! Promise me you'll live a happy life and not one clouded in revenge! Please Hakuryuu..." Sobbed Kitty. Her tears rolled down her face and dripped down onto Hakuryuu. "I promise." Hakuryuu whispered and Kitty's grip loosened before she pushed him away. "Now go! Run and live your life for your brothers and I!" Yelled Kitty. A large grin rested on her face her tears dried before was consumed by the crimson flames.

     And run he did. He ran and ran, pushing himself to break free from the flames that had stolen everything he held dear. He had to live! As he ran he mourned for the loss of his older brothers and Kitty who had been like a mother figure to him and Hakuei. Hakuei! She might be safe and waiting for him! Determination filled him as he found a new purpose to live. He had to protect her in the place of his brothers. He broke through the wall of flames he breathed a sigh of relief as he spotted Hakuei, safe and sound. And as he hugged his sister, the haunting image of Kitty smiling at him amongst the flames popped into his head and he thought with a smile on his face.

I promise...


     I'm sorry for having to do this to you guys, but anyone who has watched or read Magi knows that this was inevitable. I was even going to try to skip it but then everything else that was going to happen, wouldn't. Well hope you liked the chapter my dear kittens! Once again, I am extremely sorry... Neko-chan out!

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