Chapter 6: Light in the Darkness

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"Though I may not always be by your side, I'll be with you... Where you ask? In your heart, silly."

       -Kitty Ryuzaki


Bolt POV:

     I float along the abyss. Thinking... Listening... To nothing...About nothing... There is nothing... 

     I listen to the voices in my head, my only company. Are they in my head? Why do they sound like my friends? Figments... That's what they are... Figments of my imagination to keep me sane... That's what they have to be, right? 

     They tell me I'm asleep, but I'm wide awake. They tell me every thing will be okay, but what is wrong? I don't understand. There's nothing wrong with me... 

     "What's going on? Tell me!" But the voices don't answer. They ignore me... Its like I don't exist, but they talk to me... About me... About others... To others... It's driving me insane!

     Sanity... What a fragile thing. Is there a point to it? Is there a reason why we need it? A code in our DNA that requires to have this state of mind? But I don't want it. It hurts... Everything hurts... The voices hurt... They hurt me... Scream at me... Their ripping me from the outside in... Claws like words... Pain... That's all I feel... It's wonderfully painful...

    Everything is so organised... I can't understand it... Where is the beautiful chaos? Did black use to be such a pretty color... Now I know why Kitty likes it...

    Kitty! Where is she! I haven't heard her at all... I need to be with her... Kitty, I'm scared...

    I sob as the air turns into ink. Surrounding me... Consuming me... Chocking me... A spark of light popped into existence. In this endless sea of black it's welcoming and warm... It wrapped around me like a warm blanket and comforted me. The voices got louder, the light unbearable, and the ink disappearing. 

     "Bolt! Your finally awake!" said someone. I opened my eyes and saw everyone huddle around a bed? "Good morning, I just had the weirdest dream. Everything was pitch black and all of you were ignoring me," I said stretching, "Anyways, where's Kitty?" The room got quiet. Too quiet. "About that... What happened wasn't a dream. You've been in a coma ever since we were attacked by Prince Kouen. That was just over a month ago... Kitty hasn't woken up since then either, though I'm not surprised. She took the brunt of the attack while protecting everyone else." said Wendy. "That's not true! I was with everyone yesterday and she was just fine. We played a game of poker, and Kitty and Nagisa got Wendy drunk, then we destroyed a prison and after that everything is Wendy yelled at us. You can't tell me that, that wasn't real!" I yelled, tears of frustration beginning to cloud my eyes. 

     "Bolt, none of that ever happened. You've been in that bed for a month! Now stop messing around and get a hold of your self! If you don't believe me, see for yourself!" yelled Jasmine, tears streaming down her face. She pointed next to me and my breathe hitched. It was Kitty... She was laying down on a bed next to mine. her arms, legs, and torso wrapped up in bandages. "The Emperor has agreed to let us stay here until she recovers, how ever long that many be. Until then we just have to wait, and hope for the best. 

     My light that had pulled me out of the darkness had vanished just like that. No longer here...Eternally sleeping... As if waiting to be woken up... And who knows when it would return to me. Please Kitty, you have to wake up, cause if you don't, I don't know what I'm going to do without you...


      Okay. So I know that this chapter seemed a little bit rushed, but rest assured it wasn't. I've been working on it for a while now and it got to where it needed to be before I could continue with the story. Another thing that may be tipping you off is the sudden title change. I had to change it because it didn't make sense for where this story was going to go. The story, in the grand scheme of things, is just a giant crossover. I'm already working on three other chapters for this story and I realized that the title I was using was for a different book in the series. Yes I know I'm crazy for going that far ahead but the ideas need to get out so I can continue to write this part with a goal in mind. I have also decided upon an update schedule. Form now on I'll be updating one or two chapters every Saturday, author notes are not included in the Saturday updates so you don't have to worry about only getting an A/N and not an actual chapter unless something happens.

     Next time on an Unexpected Journey:

"Wendy, what's happening to Kitty!"

"I don't know Bolt."

"Where am I? And who are these people?"

     I hope you guys will like the next chapter, farewell my kittens. Neko-chan out!

Unexpected JourneyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ