Chapter 11: PTSD

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     Sup, kittens! Long time no see! And for all y'all who realized who this was, Kirito is an amazing person. I missed posting for you guys. So, I realized that I miss calculated when the first of May was. But, you know what? (And yes I do know that your not supposed to start sentences with the words 'but' and 'and', but who cares. i'm just happy to be back again.) Screw it! I'm still gonna still post anyways, though it will only be this chapter. The rest will be posted in three days. Why can't it be Saturday already!? Oh my goodness, my teacher is staring at me like I'm insane or something, as I write this. Though I don't think he's wrong about that... Long Live Miller(LLM)! I'm that one student in the back of the room, writing like a maniac so I can get this out before I forget it. You guys should know that even though I have a pretty high GPA, nope, never mind. I just looked at my grades  and they were terrible. Wait... Those are my grades from last month! What the fuck powerschool! I mean duck! What the duck. Though my grades are now a mystery, it is no mystery that I have the worst memory in the history of memory. Welp, now that I have said what I needed to, without further a do... Let's get onto the chapter!


"It's okay to be shy. After all, I am a handsome young man."

- Nagisa Hazuki


     The Empire of Kou was starting to try to recover from the horrors of Saint Patrick's Day that had happened the day before. The Palace staff rushed around trying to fix the damage, of what looked like the aftermath of a war. The walls were splattered in greens of various shades, completely covering the once red walls of the palace. The palace gardens were covered in green ribbon and statues were vandalized with green paint. To say the residents of the palace were surprised about the damage caused in one day, was an understatement. They were utterly speechless and then almost died when they discovered who the culprits were.  A search party that had been sent to stop them had found Hakuyuu and Kitty with green paint smudges on their clothes and a pile  empty paint buckets on the floor next to them.

     They hadn't surrendered peacefully and instead opted to run around the palace, trying to escape the wrath of the royal family. Especially Empress Gyokuen, who's hair had been dyed a bright neon green. Though the Emperor had only laughed at their antics, the Empress had been fuming and sent the the royal guards to apprehend the culprits. Which is how half of the palace had been destroyed. Lets just say that the west and south wings of the palace aren't going to be safe to use for quite sometime. Which brings us to what's happening right now.

     The sound of yelling and the screams of agony could be heard all throughout the palace, originating from the east wing that the girls occupied. A figure sat kneeling in front of Wendy, begging for forgiveness. "Kitty! How could you do something so reckless! Did you not think about this would effect our relationship with Kou!? Your lucky they haven't kicked us out already!", Screamed Wendy. A terrifying aura surrounded her as Kitty cowered back in fear. "I'm sorry ma'am." Squeaked out Kitty. Her as wide as saucers as she trembled before the demon named Wendy. "Good. Now that you understand. I want you to help with repairs in any way you can." Said Wendy, her voice laced with venomous honey. "But I was already going to do that?" Said Kitty, tilting her head to the side in confusion. "Don't you da- Wait, what! Why?" Asked Wendy, her mind spinning from the thought that Kitty might actually be do something responsible for once. "Daddy said that 'If you should ever  put anyone's lives at risk, it is your responsible to do whatever you can to help fix the mess you created.' Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry mistress, I'll do better next time." Said Kitty while she bowed. Her head touched the floor and she trembled in unsuppressed fear.

     Everything went silent, only the slight clinking of metal on metal was heard in the room. "You weren't able to get them off were you." Gasped Wendy, her eyes wide in horror. Something crashed onto the floor outside the door. Mikayla opened the door and found Bolt curled up on the ground with shards of a destroyed tea set around her. "Bolt...?" Said Mikayla trying to help her up, only to step back when Bolt flinched away from her. "Please don't take them away again. I don't want to go back there. No. No. I don't want to go back. You can't take me back." Mumbled Bolt, rocking back and forth. Her eyes dull and emotionless but her body shaking in fear. Kitty walked past them, not caring about what the glass shards on the floor would do to her bare feet. The area around her wrists and ankles flickered and the sight of shackles with chains on her wrists came into view, while the ones on her ankles had the chains snapped off. "Where are you going Kitty?" Asked Wendy. "To fix the mess that I created." Was the monotone reply she got as Kitty continued to walk away. 

     "I thought their PTSD had gotten better." Said Mikayla as she picked Bolt up. "Well it is called a post traumatic stress disorder for a reason, and those two have had enough trauma to last them several life times." Said Wendy as she picked up the glass shards off the ground. "I just hope that one day they will be able to get over what happened to them and put it in the past." Sighed Mikayla. 

     Gosh darnit. I swore that I wouldn't write a dark chapter but it seems that I am unable to do that. Well hope you liked the chapter! neko-chan out!

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