Surprise? Please don't kill meh!

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     First of all I want to thank you for reading this horrible piece of writing, that probably even be considered literature. I know I said I wouldn't update on any other day than Saturday...but this isn't an update. It's an author's note. Dun dun duuuun! I've always wanted to write that. Please forgive me, for I am a dork. I'ma get down to business now. The point of this A/N is to clarify why in the anime heck I would make so many changes to the book! To be honest I probably should have just done this in the beginning instead of posting a title that didn't make sense with the plot. This story is just a jumble of crossovers that happen at random. Well not really random... They all happen for a reason, though I don't like all the reasons, it's to late now. The anime that I have brought into this is none other than Yona of the Dawn or also known as Akatsuki no Yona, if you can't tell from the cover.

     Don't get mad at me please, especially Magi lovers, for what I am about to say! After around chapter 9, Magi will be pretty much booted out of this story. It will be slightly mentioned, just like Overlord, but it will not be the main focus. I only used it to set up for the main finale. Characters will be used and the over all plot of Magi will be changed in some ways, but the actual plot will not be used until a much later time. Akatsuki no Yona will be the main focus, though the plot will change because of the characters I will be adding into the mix. I don't own Akatsuki no Yona or any of it's characters, even though I wish I did. Please don't murder me! I hope to see you next weekend for the next update my precious kittens! Neko-chan out!

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