Chapter 17: Sick Day

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"What you say honey boo boo!?" 

-Christie Arashi


     After the emotional family moment, Rosie stumbled towards the kitchen to start lunch a couple hours later that she was supposed to. Much to her brother and mother's complaints and arguments as to why she should stay in bed and rest instead of going off to work. Right as she put her hand on the kitchen door to open it, she collapsed and her head slammed into it. "Fuck," she hissed in pain as she clutched her head. Getting up, she opened the door and stumbled in and shut it behind her. Rosie wasn't expecting the sight that she saw and she definitely wasn't expecting a little boy to run up to her and drag her to a nearby chair. The boy had navy blue hair that was held up in a sort of bun, he wore a simple a simple gi like shirt with black pants. At the stove stood Hakuei, an irresistible sent wafting from the pot she was stirring.

 At the stove stood Hakuei, an irresistible sent wafting from the pot she was stirring

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     "Sorry I can't help you right now, I'm currently making lunch." Said Hakuei, not even turning to face them. "Which your not supposed to be doing. That's my job Miss Hakuei." Rosie said standing up and started walking towards her, only to fall back down. Hakuei whipped around, a pointed glare on her face, and gasped when she saw Rosie on the floor. "Oh, it's you! And how many times have I told you to call me Hakuei." Hakuei said, chuckling at Rosie. Hakuei helped Rosie up and brought her into a hug, but as soon as she let go of her Rosie collapsed again. "I'm okay, just let me rest here for a bit." Rosie hissed, shivering on the warm kitchen floor. "No your not ok, your clearly sick," Hakuei sighed as she placed her hand on Rosie's forehead, "Oh god! Your burning up! We need to get you to the healer immediately!" 

     Rosie opened her mouth to talk but no sound came out, so instead she opted to shake her head no. "What do you mean, 'no'. You have a high fever and need to be treated immediately!" Groaned Hakuei in exasperation. Rosie shook her head once more and gestured to Hakuryuu and then to Hakuei and lastly to her self in a hugging motion. "You have a little brother too?" Hakuryuu said, it coming out more like a question then a statement. Rosie nodded and then pointed at the food and then at Hakuryuu again. "Oh... You came here to get food for him," exclaimed Hakuei as she figured out why the red haired maid had come to the kitchen, "But your sick, so we need to get you to the sick bay." A look of fear overcame Rosie's features but disappeared shortly after and was replaced by a neutral expression. 

     A sudden burst of wind pushed back the two siblings and when the wind died down Rosie was gone, and so was two of the bowls of soup that had been placed on the counter. The only thing that signified that the red haired maid had once been there was the crack in the marble kitchen floor and the kitchen door that had been blown off it's hinges. When the two Haku-siblings got out of the shocked dazes then scrambled to their feet and out of the kitchen, after Rosie who was long gone. Running aimlessly around the palace until they crashed into their older brothers, Hakuyuu and Hakuren. Hakuei and Hakuryuu started to animatedly explained what had happened in the kitchen and that they were looking for Rosie so they could get her to the sick bay before her fever got worse. 

     "So your saying that Red ran away when you said you were going to help her, and kept insisting that she had to take care of her family first. So you want us to to help you find her so you can forcibly drag her to the medic bay for treatment." Hakuren said, sarcasm evident while he was talking. Apparently Hakuei and Hakuryuu didn't understand that he was joking and replied with an enthusiastic, "Yep!" "What could possibly go wrong..." Groaned Hakuyuu as his siblings dragged him off to find the red haired. He was fairly certain that something was going to go wrong during their maid hunt and that he was going to be eating his words very soon. "Wait... Do we even know what her name is?" Hakuyuu asked, only to groan once more when the only response he got was a bunch of shoulder shrugs. 

     Meanwhile, Kouha and his mom were panicking when Rosie came in the room with two bowls of soup and a high fever. Rosie being Rosie had tried to tell them that she was alright, not wanting them to worry over her. She wasn't used to people, other than her sisters, ever fussing over her as much as Kouha and his mother did over her. Leaving the room to go back to work had been a struggle. Kouha was clinging to her waist and kept on whining as she continued onward. "I'll be fine little brother, but I need to get to work." Kitty said rubbing his back. Kouha begrudgingly let go of her and watched as she walked out of the door.

     I know that I haven't updated lately and I'm sorry, but this summer has been busier than I expected. I have chapter 25 and 26 already done because my mind likes to skip ahead so I'm trying my best to get the chapters before that done so I can post them all. Well I hope you liked the chapter my dear kittens. See you next time! Neko-chan out!

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