Chapter 18: The Two Princes

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"F.E.A.R. has two meanings. Forget Everything And Run OR Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours." 

-Wendy Kaze


     Hakuren and Hakuyuu found Rosie later that afternoon at the construction sight, rebuilding the destroyed part of the Palace. In they distance Hakuyuu could have sworn that she was a different person. Gone was the lighthearted redhead maid, replaced by the prowess and aura of a war hardened warrior. Carrying large piles of bricks, with strength that only a fanalis possessed, like they were nothing. Hakuyuu approached cautiously unlike Hakuren who ran up to you as placed down the last bricks, completing the repairs to the once destroyed corridor. "There you are Red! We've been looking for you!" Hakuren said while crushing her in a hug. Rosie looked unfazed as Hakuren squeezed her, only  wordlessly prying him from her waist and setting him on the floor. "Sorry for wasting your time M'lords" She said, bowing to them. "No need to be so formal Red! Just call us by our given names." Said Hakuren,grinning from ear to ear. 

    "I'm sorry but I am unable to do something as informal as to call you by your name," Rosie said while bowing, "Now I must be on my way. My family is waiting for me and I promised I would be home before it got to late."  Hakuren grabbed Rosie's arm and his smile somehow grew bigger, "Oh, I promise this won't take long. You'll get home before your family starts to worry." He said, his grip on her arm tightened slightly. HAkuren continued to drag the poor red haired maid as she tried to protest and get him to let her go, without having to do anything physical to the surprise of Hakuyuu. Though it seemed he had thought too soon as Red yanked her arm out of Hakuyuu's grasp, but to the surprise of the two princes, she continued to walk with them. 

     "Red, are you a new maid? I've never seen you before. Were you just hired? Or were you transferred from a different position in the palace? Or wer-" Hakuren rambled on and on until Rosie cut him off. "I'm only temporarily working here until my mistress says other wise." Replied Rosie, startling the two royals when she said mistress. 'Is she a slave?' thought Hakuyuu while Hakuren was bold enough to say it out loud. " Red, are you a slave?" He asked. "Former..." Was the only confirmation he got from her before a burst of wind pushed them away from her, and then she was gone. There was a crack in the marble tile that hadn't been there before. "So that's how she got away..." Mumbled Hakuyuu before he and his brother went to go tell their younger siblings that she had gotten away again.

     Rosie on the other hand was calmly walking towards the room she shared with her family when she saw two boys hovering over her little brother. Acting before any of them could react she made her way to Kouha and scooped him up into her arms. "Hello hun, sorry I was a bit late." Said Rosie, nuzzling her face in the side of his neck making her brother giggle from the attention. "Stop it! That tickles!" he whined. "Oh, and who might you two be? Friends of Kouha?" Rosie asked, staring at the Kouen and a boy who seemed to be years older than Kouha. "We are his brothers and you must be his mother that we've heard so much about. Though it seems as though you aren't mentally unstable in anyway." Said Kouen while his brother with purpleish-red hair fell asleep standing. "What do you mean by our mother is mentally unstable? She's just fine and the best mother ever!" Rosie growled out, her green eyes flashing red for a split second. Rosie spun on her heal and carried Kouha into their room, leaving Kouen stunned. "They were trying to take me away from you and mother!" Cried Kouha, clinging tighter to Rosie. "Shh. It's okay, I won't let them take you away from me." Cooed Rosie, smiling at the little boy in her arms.

     I hope you liked the chapter my adorable little kittens. See you next time! Neko-chan out!

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