Chapter 15: The Child

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     Hello kittens! I'm back and ready for the next chapter. Sorry for the out of wack updates.  I hope you all don't get mad at me for the sudden change in the mostly consistent update schedule, though I'll probably won't be able to update more often because of the fact that I'm moving. Sorry if I started to ramble or said something unneeded. So without further a do, let's get onto the chapter my dear kittens.


"Shit... I can never draw good tits."

-Brooklyn Doragon


     Rosie did in fact return the next day around noon, exhausted after a long day of work. Mom had kept her promise and was awake and already dressed in a fancy kimono. They the lunch that Rosie had made for them and hung out for the next couple of hours by playing  hide and go seek and talking about how their life was. Well it was mostly mom doing the talking and Rosie just listened to her ramble on and on about her son. "Bye. I have to get started on making dinner and my afternoon jobs. I'll come back to drop off some dinner for you before I get back to work." Rosie said as she opened the door to leave. "Bye Rosie, see you later!" Mom said as the door closed. 

     Rosie's job was more than she led on. Making lunch and then serving it before any one got to the dining room and then she went and informed everyone that dinner was done before running as to not been seen. Three hours pasted before she finally brought mom her dinner along with a mini chocolate cake she had made as a treat. Rosie had been flustered when mom said thank you for the wonderful food, her face a flushed crimson and her green eyes filled with shock before she bowed her thanks and ran out of the room in embarrassment. She ran to the construction area of the palace and immediately started to work on rebuilding the framework so she could start rebuilding the walls. Picking up wood planks in stacks of ten and then hammering them into place to create the frame. By the time morning came along Rosie had finished the frame work for one of the previous built halls and a couple of walls. 

     She trudged to the kitchen to make breakfast and then got to work on the laundry. Hand washing everything and then hanging them up to dry in one of the court yards before setting clothes out for the royal family. Soon after that she woke everyone up with a brisk knock at their door and told them that breakfast was ready before trudging to the far corner of the palace with mom's breakfast in hand along with some extra she had put of to the side for herself. To say she was surprised to see a small child sleeping with mom when she opened the door was an understatement. Rosie had almost dropped the tray she was holding when the little boy shifted in the bed, scared that she may have woken up only relax when he didn't wake up. Stealthily she put the tray down on the bed side table before she tried to sneak out of the room after she had laid out some clothes for both mom and the child. 

     A scream suddenly cut through the room like a knife. Stopping mid-step, Rosie turned to see the boy wide awake and mom started to stir because of the noise. The boy probably thought she was a robber because of how bad she looked. She had dark circles under her eyes because of lack of sleep, her hair was out of it's pigtails and was covered in dirt with random pieces sticking in various directions, and her usually prim uniform was covered in dirt and grim because of the construction work from the previous night. Mom yawned and started to stretch, blinking the sleep from her eyes. "Oh good morning Rosie what a lovely surprise to see you here and Kouha, why are you screaming?" Mom said while looking from Rosie to Kouha. Rosie's ears were ringing from Kouha's screaming and when she went to cover them she felt something wet drop from them and onto her uniform.

     She lifted her hand to her face and say red coating her fingertips. Blood. Why would the- Oh... Her ears were bleeding. "I'll be on my way then. Please enjoy your breakfast." Said Rosie as she rushed out the door. Rosie's world started tipping and everything became muffled. She heard a faint thump and then everything went dark.

     I know that a lot of you guys have lost interest in this book and I don't blame you. In all honesty the book is practically getting nowhere. If you would prefer that I don't continue to write this, please tell me I will stop immediately. Bye my dear kitten, hope to see you next time. Neko-chan out!

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