OVA: Fuck the Plot and the Thing Called Sanity

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      Forgive me for not updating recently even though i'm on summer break. I have writer's block so I wrote a special OVA chapter for you guys. This would have gotten out earlier but my wifi has been acting up and decided that it wouldn't let me update at all. This was inspired by all the weird things that my friends have said over the entirety of the school year. I have been working on this chapter on the side for a while now and every had bits and pieces completed,I just had to put it all together. This chapter contains questioning content so I have to put a warning. Can't tell you what it is, cause then it would spoil the idiocy. Plus I just realized that this book is rated mature, so i don't have to write warnings for it. So ha! Can't sue meh now! Now, without further a due, let's get onto the chapter. By the way, this chapter is not part of the plot but does hold some information about the girls, even some of the not so mentioned characters. This takes place at Nazarik before they end up in the Kou Imperial Palace.


Truth or Dare

     "Kitty. Truth or dare." Slurred out Nagisa before taking a swig from her bottle of whiskey. "...Truth?" Replied Kitty looking at her warily. "Fuck. I wasn't prepared for that," mumbled Nagisa, "Are you sure you want to choose truth?" "Fine then, dare." Said Kitty, downing the rest of her bottle of vodka. "I dare you... To say 'In bed'... After every sentence." Said Nagisa grinning. "I had fun... In bed." Said Kitty, a smirk slowly forming on her face. "Oh come on!" Yelled Makoto, slamming her head into the table they were currently sitting at. "Really Kitty!" Yelled Addy, throwing her hands up into the air. "Is it sad that I expected her to say that." Said Wendy, groaning in pure frustration. "Dad, are you okay... In bed?" Asked Kitty, only causing Makoto to slam her head into the table harder. "Ahhhhh!" Screamed Makoto in frustration. "This is why we can't have nice things!" Screamed Bolt while throwing a wine bottle at Kitty's head, clearly drunk. The bottle hit it's target causing Kitty to fall off of her chair and onto the floor. "I'm not that bad in bed-" Another bottle was thrown at her head. Successfully knocking her out and if you looked hard enough you could see her ghost going up to heaven.

What Animal Am I?

     "What animal am I?" Asked Ali. I had been so out of blue that almost everyone in the room had been shocked into silence until Kitty spoke up. "Come again?" Was her reply to the dismay of Ali. "I said, 'What animal am I?'" Said Ali, repeating her previous question. "Well your a mix of animals. Your as fierce as a tiger and as lazy as a bear." Said Kitty shrugging her shoulders. "True... I'm a biger!" (It's pronounced bi-gur) Exclaimed Ali, excitement clear in her tone. "A biger? What's a biger?" Asked Kitty while tilting her head to the side in confusion. "A biger is just a bear and a tiger put together." Explained Ali. Silence filled the room until people let out a series of 'Oh's out when they started to understand what she had meant by that. "But I thought you were a wolf?" Piped up Bolt. Ali let out a "Oh... I forgot about that!" While Makoto slammed her head into a nearby wall out of frustration.

Government Spies

     "Do pigeons have feelings?" Asked Makoto. Everyone turned to her and stared at her as if she had grown a second head. What had happened to the world!? The most logical of them had asked the most illogical question ever, and no one knew how to respond to it. Luckily Bolt saved them from the awkward silence that was beginning to form. "No, they don't." Replied Bolt looking dead serious while saying it. "How do you know that?" Asked Makoto incredulously. "Cause when I yelled at pigeon, it doesn't react!" Said Bolt, shrugging her shoulders. "Why would you yell at a- Never mind your Bolt, this should be expected at this point." Said Makoto, hold her head with her hands in defeat. "Well... You had asked me that awhile back, so I took the liberty to find the answer to your question" Said Bolt. "Oh... That's actually very intellectual of you. Good job!" Replied Makoto, stunned. "Of course pigeons dont have feelins. Their actually government spys!" Yelled Kitty out of no where, causing Makoto to jump. She turned to look at Kitty, only to be greeted by the sight of a very drunk Kitty. She held a whiskey bottle in her hand and her uniform was starting to slide down her shoulders. "What the actual fuck is wrong with your mind?!" Screamed Addy, shaking in rage. "Many things mom... Many things... I thought you already knew that mom!" Said Kitty while giggling like a maniac. In the background you could here Addy's scream of fury and the sound of glass shattering.

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