Chapter 4: Pikachu and the Charmander

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     I know I will probably never be able to redeem myself for deleting the earlier draft of this, but I'm still going to try.  So anyways for this chapter expect lost and lots of references, or just not being able to understand it at all. Also I'm warning you now but there is lots of fowl language up ahead, and in this book in general, if you don't like cussing I'm sorry. Please enjoy my whimsical parody of different animes that most likely won't make any sense!


The sound of footsteps grew louder as people ran to the room. The girl heard a muffled shriek but gave little notice to it when a pair of arms wrapped around her. "Shh...Everything is okay." Said the person, as the petted the top of her head.


Third POV:

     All was peaceful and calm in the dungeons, until the fire nation attacked. (Just kidding, that's not what happened, now here's the actual beginning.) A tremor went through the dungeon and the sounds of shouts were heard at the end of the halls. The source of the party seemed to be a party that was going on in one of the cells. A brawl was going on and half of the inmates were drunk out of their minds. Tables were flying all around the guild hall and a certain ice and dragon slayer duo were getting scolded by an angry redhead. In one of the corners of the extremely cell, an arm wrestling match was going on.

     Hoots were heard as the challenger's hand was slammed into the ground. Bolt raised her hand and let out a shout of victory. "Any one else here man enough to face me?" Said Bolt, looking out into the crowd. "I'll go against you, though I don't think I categorize as male." Said someone in the crowd. A patch of blond made their way through the sea of bodies, and when they made it to the front a smile broke out across Bolt's face. "Kitty!" Yelled Bolt as she bolted forward. (Get Okay.) "Bolt!" Yelled Kitty and ran towards her like she was going to give her a hug. 

     They met half way and started a game of demented patty cake. Suddenly Bolt slammed into her and sent Kitty crashing through the wall of the cell, along with several other cell walls. Kitty got up out of the rubble and Bolt started jumping for joy. "My turn! Me next!" Said Bolt. Kitty launched herself and rammed into Bolt's stomach, sending her sending her crashing through multiple walls. In a flash they were both on the ground with their hands clasped, ready to arm wrestle. "I won't go easy on you Kitty!" Said Bolt. "That's good to here, cause neither will I." Said Kitty, and as if it was some sort of signal, they started the match. 

     The ground underneath them cracked and created a small crater because of the immense pressure. Bolt seemed to apply more force and the ground around them was completely pulverized, small chunks of rock fell from the ceiling. Kitty retaliated and increased the amount force of force she was using. The walls started collapsing and ceiling, while chunks of the ceiling started to rain down. The inmates were so drunk that they didn't realize that the prison was crumbling in on its self. (If you got this I bow down to you sempai.)

     The dungeon crumbled when Kitty slammed Bolt's hand into the ground. Luckily no was injured during the cave in. "We went over bored didn't we." Said Kitty rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. "No duh flame for brains." Said Bolt. "What did you call me, Grape Juice!" Retorted Kitty, crossing her arms across her chest. "What the hell! I thought we weren't going to bring that back up, ya damn pyromaniac!" Snarled Bolt. Kitty growled when she heard the pyromaniac comment. "Bolt, I swear, if you don't stop talking I don't know if I'll be able to control myself." Kitty growled hair started to float around her as the temperature started to rise. 

     "What you gonna do. Burn me? I'd like to see you try." Said Bolt. The air crackled and popped, sparks of electricity were visible around her. The area around Kitty erupted into flames. The prisoners started to freak out and started scrambling towards the Imperial Palace to get help. "Oh... You asked for it Pikachu." Said Kitty, bursting into flames. "You've done it now, Charmander." Said Bolt. Lightning rained down on the ground around us, narrowly missing them. They launched them selves at each other and drew their fists back, preparing to strike. As their fists collided flames and electricity erupted around them. 

     Their fight continued as they sent barrages of kicks and punched at each other.  "What the hell do you brats think your doing!" Both girls froze and looked over at the origin of the voice, who was a pissed off Wendy. Her blonde floated menacingly around her as her purple eyes blazed with anger. Kitty and Bolt started to slowly back away and both mumbled one word,"Shit." "You have the audacity to get me drunk in enemy territory and then get us thrown into a prison, and yet you still think there will be any consequences for your actions! Take responsibility for your actions and clean up this mess!" yelled Wendy, terrifying the two even further. 

     The two terrified girls bolted away from the angry Wendy,running for their lives. This angered Wendy even more as she started to gain on them. The only thing that went through Kitty and Bolt's minds when they were knocked out was that they were going to die.

     Sorry for the slower updates on this my kittens. Its hard to re-come up with something to write for a chapter. I'm so glad that I managed to get this posted instead of accidentally deleting it again. Another thing is if you can tell me the names of all the animes I referenced I will write a special chapter, not related to the plot in anyway, with anything you want to happen. Welp. Gotta go, my sweet adorable kittens! Neko-chan out!

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