Chapter 20: The Commander of the Generals

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"Sometimes all you can do is smile. Move on with your day, hold back the tears and pretend your okay."

 -Serenity Tsukino


"...Kitty Ryozaki, the Commander of Nazarik's twelve generals."

     The girl in question, knelt down in front of the Emperor and his family. "It is a pleasure to be able to finally meet you M'lord. On behalf of Nazarik I thank you for allowing us to recover after our abrupt first meeting.  I also take all responsibility to the destruction of your palace and have taken care of the repairs." Kitty said, her eyes down cast as to not make eye contact with any of the royals before her. Many of the members of the Kou hierarchy openly gaped at the person before them, Kitty's colorful tribal clothes and head dress throwing many of them off. The door to the throne room slammed open and a red flew towards Kitty and stopped in front of her. "Rosie?" Squeaked the blur, who turned out to be Kouha, before capturing Kitty in a hug. 

     Her headdress getting jostled to  the side, showing her ruby red eyes. A smiled played on the general's face as she hugged the small boy back before ruffling his hair, gaining a noise of complaint from the action. "Hello hun." Was all that Kitty said to the boy that was practically clinging to her. The sound of the throne room door being slammed open drew everyone's attention from the heart warming scene to the cause of the sound. A woman with dark pink hair stood breathless in the doorway, the sounds of guards mobilizing alerting everyone that something wasn't right. "Rosie. Kouha." Gasped out the woman as she leaned against the door frame. Kouen was the first react and bellowed out, "Who are you people. Guards!!!" At his command guards swarmed into the room, grabbing the woman and attempted to get Kouha out of Kitty's arms.

     In a split second the guards were all on the ground and the woman was no where to be seen. The sound of something hard hitting the floor drew everyone's attention to Kitty's mask that now lay on the floor. Searching for the woman it was once attached to, they saw Kitty soaring to the other side of the room as if in mid leap with the woman and Kouha clutched to her chest, he bright red hair billowing out behind her. They landed and Kitty looked them over, making sure that they were both okay  and ruffled their hair before turning the rest of the people in the room. Her glare pierced into Kouen, who had the decency to look guilty and somewhat confused. "I mean no respect, but what the hell was that your majesty! What gives the right to go and attack my family,more so, your own flesh and blood! Ren Kouha is your brother! You should have been raised better that this Prince Kouen, no offence to the people that raised you!" Snarled Kitty, her eyes burning with righteous fury as she verbally ripped Kouen to shreds. Kouen's eyes widened at the fanalis woman before him that had unintentionally claimed to be related to him through his brother.

"Wait! Your the girl that wouldn't let Koumei and I take him to a safe home away from his insane mother." Said Kouen pointing an accusing finger at Kitty who stood in front of both Kouha and her mother. Kitty's red eyes flashed, anger burning in her veins as she listened to Kouen insult her mother. She looked at her mistress, Princess Jasmine, who nodded at her in return. Looking back at Kouen, Kitty began walking up to him, her knuckles turning white from how hard she was clutching them. She then proceeded to punch him in the face.

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