Chapter 9: Disturbances In The Ruhk

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     So before I get to the actual chapter, I want to thank everyone who has read this book and given me so much wonderful support. I really hope that didn't sound creepy at all! But everything you guys say to me about the book, and even if you don't comment, just reading this story in general really warms my heart. I have a friend that had been bothering me to put my self out there and take a chance, and at the time I was too shy and self conscious to do it. Now that I have, I'm so glad I did cause you guys are the best! Well enough about me, onto the chapter!


"If salt is a natural preservative, does that mean that I will never age?"

-Addy Raijin


~One week after the gang arrived at the palace~

Third POV:

     A girl with blond hair up in a pony tail sat under a tree, her black kimono flowing around her as she drew in a sketch book. Intricate dragons filled the page, with five distinct colors blending together to create a master piece. Blue eyes scanned the paper, scrutinizing every detail and slight mistakes in the lines. "You've always drawn dragons the best, haven't you, Brooklyn." Said a voice behind her. The girl, now known as Brooklyn turned around to find Nagisa looking over her shoulder at what she was drawing. "Hm," was all she said in reply and returned to drawing. "Hey, don't do me like this! You know how I feel when you ignore me." Whined Nagisa, only to receive a glare from Brooklyn. "Makoto needs you to go to a meeting with her because of the fact that your the princess." Said Nagisa, switching from playful to serious. "There's been a disturbance in the ruhk ever since we got here. The darkness is starting to slowly take over, and soon there will be nothing left but pitch black." Said Brooklyn, getting up and smoothing out her long black kimono and sorting out her extravagantly tied red obi. 

     "Please stop avoiding the fact that you need to go to a meeting." Said Nagisa sighing in frustration. "It doesn't feel right. Pretending to be what I'm not. All these fancy clothes that I'm forced to wear aren't mine and never will be. I can't continue to do this! It's like mocking Princess J-" Said Brooklyn, only to have Nagisa cover her mouth before she could finish. "You don't know who could be listening." Hissed out Nagisa as she removed her hand from Brooklyn's face. Brooklyn's demeanor changed and she suddenly looked more regal than before. "Go tell the others that I'll be arriving shortly, I need to make myself look presentable." Said Brooklyn striding away from Nagisa as she bowed and replied with a curt, "Yes your majesty",before leaving. 

     Ruhk of white flowed around the princess as she walked, invisible to the human eye, but not unnoticed by her as she practically ran to her room. They crumbled into dust only to reform into black butterflies before they could hit the floor. They fluttered around undeterred by their change, but none the less acting more vicious then before. All the while a pair of eyes had watched the whole interaction before they retreated back into the shadows. "What an interesting development. I can't wait to tell my queen what I've learned."

     White turning to dust and black being born from it's ashes. The line between depravity and purity became blurred, as something happened. Though invisible it is sure to change everything, even destiny itself. Back under the tree laid the picture, forgotten. Now finished it depicted a man with red unruly hair, kneeling before four dragons of different colors of white, green, blue and yellow. The image distorted and then disappeared. The once colorful page now reverted back to a pristine white. 

     In Brooklyn's room she felt a sickening presence as she got dressed into her royal robes. Whatever was out there was after something and she didn't know what would happen when it found what it was looking for.

     Okay, so I thought that the story would lighten up and go back to it's cheery and care free like it was in the beginning, but I guess my head had other ideas. My hands have betrayed me! Do you guys remember when I said that I would be booting Magi when I got to chapter nine? Well, guess what. It won't be happening just yet. My head decided that it would skip ahead a couple chapters and what ended up happening was *********************. What? I can't really go and spoil the next couple chapters, it just isn't right. Well I hope you enjoyed the short chapter. It was a rushed, a lot, because my grandparents are came to visit and my parents decided that I was banned from staying shut up in my room while their here. Depression... 

    Second. I know that I updated pretty late and I have an excuse. My grandparents came from California to where ever I live and kidnapped me from my wonderful bed at eight in the morning. What monsters do that to a person during spring break! Apparently my family... I wasn't home until just now and even then I barely escaped their clutches. Welp, bye! See you at the next chapter my dear kittens. Neko-chan out!

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