Chapter 21: The Power of Children

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"Fuck your chicken strips!" 

-Addy Ongaku


     "How dare you!" Screamed Kitty, as Kouen's body hit the wall above the throne room door and slid down to the ground. "How dare you call my mother insane and then have the gull to tell me that my brother isn't save with us, you bastard!" She continued as she began to stalk to where Kouen was staggering up, only to get tackled by multiple small blurs. The blurs turned out to be the young Kougyoku, Hakuei, and Hakuryuu, who had attached themselves to Kitty's waist. They looked up at her pleadingly with tears in their eyes, and held her even tighter. 

     Much to everyone's surprise it was the normally shy Kougyoku who was the first of the three to speak up. "Please don't hurt him anymore big sister Kitty." Said Kougyoku, her tiny hands clutching onto her colorful skirt has hard as she could. As if her weak grip would stop her from hurting her older brother. Kitty's eyes melted at her 'big sister' comment and then lit up with amusement as another child launched themselves onto her back. "Rosie's my sister! You can't have her!" Yelled the child, better known at Kouha, who wrapped himself around her torso like a baby koala. 

     The tower of bodies was sent tumbling to the ground when a much larger body bulled into the mass of children. "No, Kitty was my sister first! And that's finally!" Yelled the person. Kitty opened her eyes to see a matching head of red hair with matching eyes crinkled in delight, their maid uniform flowing out behind them.

Laughter exploded out from under the mass of bodies, shaking off the children from the offender revealing it to Kitty. As the laughter subsided, she brought all of them into a hug, Hakuryuu and Kouha hogging her lap. "How about we all stop fighting about who's sister I am. Kouha, Kougyoku is one of your sister's which technically makes her my sister as well. But that rule also applies with my twin, Bolt, making her your older sister too."Said Kitty, amusement clear in her voice. Small 'oh's and 'aw's rippled through the small group as they realized that what Kitty had said was true. "Though don't tell Kouen this, but technically Bolt and I are his older sisters and that makes me the eldest sibling of the family. But that's our little secret!" Whispered Kitty, a smile etched across her face. 

     The group burst into hysterical laughter after that, causing the whole 'punching Kouen in the face' incident to be forgotten for the time being. Meanwhile, Princess Jasmine talked to the Emperor about the treaty and the guidelines about who could control it if anything happened. They agreed to them and let the Nazarik gang stay the night before they left once again, but this time with their general. No one was ready for what loomed around the corner, ready to to strike at it's unsuspecting victims.

     Happy New Year everybody! I hope you all are ready for 2020, because I'm sure as heck aren't! Enjoy the time you get to spend with you family this fine day! See you next time my dear kittens! Neko-chan out!

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