OVA: Saint Patrick's Day Massacre

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     "Wait... Is it considered murder if you kill someone that everyone wants dead?"

 -Nagisa Hazuki


     She was gone. All that was left was a messy room and a broken window, but no trace of Kitty. Bolt sobbed on the floor oblivious to the fact that the rest of the group had come into the room. "Bolt, what happened in here?" Asked Brooklyn. All she got in return was a broken "She's gone" out of Bolt before she started crying again. "Brooklyn, Jasmine, and Nagisa, I want you three to do a sweep of the area to find any clues as to the whereabouts of the commander," said Wendy pointing them before turning to address the others, "The rest of you, clean up this mess and Makoto. I want you to inform the emperor of the situation and to tighten security in case of an attack. The situation is very serious."

     The girls all got to work, following Wendy's instructions to the dot and made sure that everything went along smoothly. It wasn't til a loud boom resounded throughout the entire palace that they were put on alert. The noise got closer and closer until it suddenly started to fade. Without needed to communicate they all started towards the source of the noise and following the path of destruction that was left in it's wake. As the group got closer to source of the destruction the heard the clash of metal on metal and the laughter of both a male and female, most likely the culprits. 

     Once he group made it to an area that looked vaguely like a garden of some sort a wave of green paint washed over them. Completely dousing them in the foul smelling liquid. Makoto let out a scream of fury and one of the culprits let out a squeak, immediately telling them who it was without needing to see them. Only one person let out that kind of reaction when Makoto got mad. Makoto pounced on the source of the noise and the other girls barely managed to wipe the paint off of their eyes to see a green Makoto attempting to murder a terrified Kitty. 

    "Help! Help! Murder! Some ones trying to kill me!" Screamed Kitty, trying to get away from the fuming Makoto but to no avail. "Sucks to be you!" Yelled Makoto as she dragged a terrified Kitty back to their room to talk about her punishment for the stunt she had pulled. No one saw the other culprit slip away until he was apprehended by the guards and taken to the Empress.

     This chapter was dedicated to @Kitty_Dragonheart who was one of the winners of the challenge chapter I posted a while back. They requested that I did a chapter on the Saint Patrick's Day inccident and this is what I ended up writing for them. There was more than one winner, since both of the answered on the same day I didn't think I would be fair if I only rewarded one of them. The other winner's chapter will be posted later on. Hope to see you at the next chapter my dear kittens. Neko-han out!

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