OVA: The Incident with a Kitchen Knife

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     It feels weird to just be pumping out chapters like this. I'm not used to trying to get this many ideas out at the same time. Though I bet your happy about me coming back with this many chapters for you to read. Even though I tried to recover after the last death in my family, I guess life had other plans. On April 26, 2019, my other Great Grandma Isarina died. Though it wasn't as hard on me because I didn't know her as well, it still hit me pretty hard to get over the fact that someone else in my family died. But enough about all this depressing stuff, I'm glad to be back with my wonderful kittens. I hope you like this chapter and don't bear any ill will against me for how the last chapter ended. Without further ado, lets get onto the chapter.


"I love death and misery, but above all else I love the family I have created at Nazarik."

-Alexandria Gauza


     It happened again, but more frequently. The royal family would see glimpses of the red haired maid but then she would be gone without a trace. Sounds could be heard all throughout the night in the damaged wings of the palace, but then would disappear when morning came. No contact was made between the mysterious girl and the royal family until Hakuren one day stumbled on her in the kitchen. She seemed to be making food for a bunch of people, when it dawned on him that she was making lunch. And thus was the start of a one sided friendship.

Hakuren POV (Man. it's been a while since I last wrote in a first person point of view.):

     "So, how much longer do you plan on staring at me...creep.", muttered the red haired girl as she slammed a butcher knife into a giant slab of meat. I jumped at the amount of force she used, surprised that she was that strong and terrified about the fact that she could kill me at any second. "So what are you doing here?" I asked. I mentally face palmed at the obviously stupid question that just came out of my mouth. "Hn," was all I got in response. "So.. What are you making?" I asked, my curiosity growing as she brutally murdered the poor piece of meat. "Food." Was her vague reply. "What kind of food?" I asked trying to look over her shoulder and see whatever she was making. "The edible kind, now could you kindly please leave me alone." She said and continued to chop the meat out of existence. "Wha-" A loud slam cut me off, and I looked at the meat and saw that not only the meat was cleaved in half, but so was the cutting board under it. "Leave before this knife finds its home in your skull!" She yelled a terrifying arua coming off of her in waves.

     The next couple of minutes were spent in silence, until I had the bright idea to talk. "So... Whatcha makin'?" I asked. Not even a millisecond later I felt something cut my face and zoom past me, hitting the wall behind me. "Next time I won't miss. Now scram!" She yelled. I barely muttered a yes ma'am and ran out of the room before another knife was thrown where I used to be. The only thing that ran through my head as I ran was, 'She is one scary bitch!'

     Here's a little humor in the midst of this, so far, depressing story. I hoped you liked this short but special chapter. Can't wait to see you next week in the next chapter my dear kittens. Neko-chan out!

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