Chapter 5: Confusion in the Dark

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     I'm sorry for not updating in a while. School has been depriving me what little to none sleep I usually get on a daily basis. The amount of work that has been forced upon me is crushing, and the fact that I even got the last update out surprises even me. Sorry for leaving you a cliffhanger, like every other chapter. Yelp, thank you for being patient with me. Now onto the chapter.


    "Do not compare yourself to others, for when you do, you'll realize all of the tiny  quirks you have."

                                                           -Ali Al Tharman


Bolt's POV:

     Everything is dark. Where am I? Why can't I see anything? "Hey Bolt. How are you today?" Jasmine? Is that you? Why can't I see you? "I know I was with you yesterday, but..." I heard a sob. Is she crying, is something wrong. Jasmine, why are you crying? Is there any thing I can do to stop your tears? "Makoto and Wendy have cleared up the incident with the royal family." she said. What abou- "So far they are going to let us stay until the princess recovers. Wendy thinks that an alliance would be good for both of our countries, and I agree with her. If only you had been there... The expressions on the royal families' faces were priceless when Makoto and Wendy offered to create an alliance. I mean... It isn't every day that you see two seemingly young girls talk like a grown adult." Said Jasmine, chuckling at the end. Your right, I would have loved to be there Jasmine. "I have to go now Bolt, but don't worry, I'll be back soon." Said Jasmine. Wait, Jasmine you sti-. The sound of fading footsteps and a door shutting indicated that she had left. 

     Why did she ignore me? Did she somehow not hear me? What's going on? "Hey Bolt. Please wake up soon, Makoto and I are worried sick, and for some reason it doesn't seem right without you and Kitty messing around. I was just with Kitty, it seems like she's getting better, but she's still a long way from completely recovering. Sorry for having to cut it short but I have to go help Makoto, talk to you later and please get well soon." Wait Wendy. Is that you? And what do you mean by wake up, can't you see that I'm awake! The door shut and my opportunity to get answers vanished along with her.

     No came to talk to me for what seemed like hours after Wendy visited me. I used this time to try to figure out what was going on. Both Wendy and Jasmine seemed to be really sad when they visited me, I wonder why. Did something happen? I felt like I was floating in an endless sea of black. There was nothing around me and I couldn't feel or smell anything. It almost feels as if I'm dead... No! Don't think like that. It's just a dream, and when I wake up everything will be back to normal... Wake up... That's what Wendy said... Just what is going on... Here in the dark... Where there is no answers to my calls... No one to answer my questions... Someone... Anyone... Please...













Help Me...


     I know that you guys probably hate me right now for not posting the next chapter sooner, along with the fact that this is short than my usual chapters. Sorry! School been really crazy and the amount of the work thrown at me lately is so stress inducing... I just need a break. Thus the reason I'm working on this instead of doing my homework. It's great to see you again my precious little kittens. I missed you! I'll post the next chapter as soon as I can. Neko-chan out!

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