Chapter 1: prolouge

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It was a late night with partying going on and all the civilians were starting to create a mob to find one boy- or so to speak young jinchuuriki. That boy was Uzumaki Naruto who was currently at the moment running and hiding for his life. For tonight was October tenth the day the villagers were cruelest to him on this day his birthday.

Normal POV:

*huff huff puff* "I-I think I lost them.w-why is it always me they go after sure I'm an orphan but there are a ton of others so why specifically me?" Thought a 5 year old Naruto *huff huff* "Hey! I think the demon went over here!" Yelled a random civilian "shi* they're here! Where to go where to go?!?" (A/N I won't swear so but it's needed so there) Mentally screamed Naruto,but alas he was at a dead end. That night Naruto went to the ICU and this wasn't the first time it was actually the 10th in his short life so far.

Scene change in the ICU where Naruto is unconscious:

The old man better known as the professor or the sandaime hokage stood above the young boy wondering what he should do "*sigh* this is the worst they've done so far and he is only 5, it will only keep getting worse and worse. Let's see the list"


5 fractured ribs

1 broken arm

2 broken legs but will heal

1 head injury

Massive loss of blood required 2 blood transfusions

End list

*sigh* "should I tell him who his parents are and why he is being tormented? No I'll only tell him why but I will give him a hint to study some more"

Timeskip two weeks later

*groan* "where am I ?" Naruto thought as he woke up. "ah Naruto your awake I see." says the sandaime as he entered " hey jii-chan where am I?" Asked Naruto "you're in the. ICU you fainted after the mob beat you. the anbu team patrolling found you in the alley way severely injured."replies the sandaime

"Naruto have you ever wondered why the civilians hate you so much? Even more so than the other orphans?" Asked satutobi (sandaime) "Yes! will you tell be why Jii-chan?!" yelled/asked Naruto " I shall tell you as long as you promise not to hate nor swear vengeance on konoha and the villagers you are better than them and will get over it you must swear on your ninja pride" "Of course jii-chan I don't care what they say I swear on my ninja pride that I will NEVER EVER betray konoha,Believe it dattebayo!" (A/N okay I had to don't hate it was needed for old times sake) vowed naruto and so the old man told him about the demon inside and assured him he was NOT the demon but the jailer not only that he told of others in the same predicament as him maybe worse maybe a little bit better but only because when they worked hard enough had their village acknowledged them through their blood sweat and tears (quite literally in this case). Naruto soon wanted see these people and ask how? how did they live through the same treatment everyday still be loyal to their village and able to smile everyday and be fine (in bee's case) he soon became determined and so our journey/story begins.

A/n (rant alert) so I know I know this is crappy the paragraphs are too long too many or too little details blah blah blah tell me in the comments so I can make it better for your experience I won't update much probably because school :/ but I will finish this eventually no matter how long or how many years.... hopefully in the meanwhile thx for reading sry for the rant XD

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