Genin exams

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Normal POV (as always cause I suck at first person)

'Todays the day today's definitely gotta be the day I finally was able to make 3 of those dam*ed bunshin hehemwahahahahhahahhahaha' Naruto thought with a devil's smile on his face while everybody who saw him sweatdropped .

One by one each person was tested in ninjutsu Naruto and sasuke - the one most likely to get rookie of the year- aced all the others and it was down to ninjutsu. Many came out proud genin/shinobi and some came out disappointed and determined for the next time they take the test. Naruto's name was finally called he entered the place he called the room of doom cause it determines his fate and this was his last chance cause he failed every other time." Are you ready naruto?"Iruka asked "ye-" naruto said before he was cut off " great now do kawarimi no Justu" iruka commanded

He did the hand signs concentrated for 10 seconds and yelled "Kawarimi no justu" he the. Proceeded to be sat on for the fact he switched with the chair iruka was sitting on instead of the one next to him, so to speak iruka was NOT pleased

"Well then next I guess is henge,DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE NARUTO." iruka said in a very intimidating and irritated tone. sweating profusely(anime style of course) he though 'w-well then I wassss gonna do orike but nooooo stupid Kawarimi had to get him pissed' he did the seals and did the justu making a perfect copy of Iruka.

"Now Naruto are you ready?cause this is the justu that has screwed you over time and time again." Iruka said genuinely concerned "OF COURSE I AM WHO DO YOU THINK I AM I THE GREAT UZUMAKI NARUTO THATS WHO!!!!!" naruto yelled "then show me show me do the enemy of all jinchuuriki!" (yes iruka knows that naruto knows the village secret why else would he tell him?)said iruka "AHHHHHHHH BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!"

End tbc

(A/N haha mad sry but I ain't gonna tell you if he got it or not *runs away and hides afraid if a mob comes*till next time I'm off )


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