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When they got to the 'inn' naruto gaped at the size of the place he was going to stay at it had to be the size of a mansion compared to all the other shacks around there. "are you sure this is the inn we're staying at? i mean it doesn't even look like an inn." Naruto asked "when did we ever say it was an inn? It's my villa well when this place was flourishing about 1 year ago." Yagura answered back 'v-villa? Is this guy rich or what?' Naruto thought they showed him to his new room for now as they went to their own rooms for alone time.
Naruto being the kid he was, was getting bored really quickly so he decided to explore more since he hadn't explored this half of town which seemed to be ALOT richer than the other half he came across. when he went to the sea side he saw a bridge and on that bridge was an old man that looked like he was going to get beaten up while building it. Being the good ninja he was he jumped in and yelled "what do you think your doing!?!! Don't hurt the old man!" They responded violently attacking him since it was a taijutsu fight he had the advantage gai sort of training him on the side an all. they lounged for him with their fist which he dodged easily he ran behind them and hit their pressure points in their necks making them faint. "hey old man you alright? My names naruto by the way what yours?" The old man replied " im the bridge builder tazuna kid. thanks for the save by the way do you mind if I hire you to protect me until I finish the bridge? Gato has blocked all the trade routes to monopolize us and that bridge will allow us the ability to trade with others again." Naruto pondered about this yes he thought about it instead of outright agreeing. but then he though what if it was konoha and this was the old man he smiled and said "sure!" Tazuna said "good kid but you just may not be enough do you have anyone that could help as well? It's only going to take about 2 weeks I will pay both you and whoever is helping. " "Oh there's two guys I'm staying with I can ask them probably!" Naruto replied pulling yagura and utakata into yet another detour on their journey/mission.
(The is a lot of occ so I'm sorry in just not in the right state of mind I finished xxxHOLIC and was depressed at how bad the ending was :/ oh sorry it came out late and that it's a little short)

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