5 Mitzi's interlude

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Fred called today. He's really excited, because apparently his hockey team won some important match or something. I'm not very keen on sport, and, as I said, I'm hopeless with skating. (Though I am in the school football team.)

But I'm glad to hear from him everytime he calls - he's really nice and he's teaching me the right (read: canadian) english pronunciation. My english teacher is not impressed with it, though. Fred says she can- uhh, you know what, I'll leave this one up to your imagination. Let's just say he can curse. When he wants to, he can.

I told him about the diary, and he seems genuinely happy to know I'm actually doing this. He's looking forward to reading it, he said.

Nothing much happened after that. Me and Papa went out with the dogs for a while. Funny thing is, everytime Papa goes put with the dogs, me or Vati must be with him, for the dogs would misbehave. They just don't see Papa as their leader, I guess. Though I can barely blame them. He's just too soft on them. He likes cats better.

Speaking of cats- Mitzi usually goes with us, but today she declined. She took literally one step in the snow and ran back. Cats. As I know her, she'll probably curl up on Vati and when we come back she'll give Papa that look that says "I just stole your man, yo." Not that Papa minds. Vati likes dogs better, but he does have a soft spot for my Mitzi.

I remember when we adopted her - she was a tiny kitten, poor and starved. Me and Papa were feeding the ducks by the riverbend, and suddenly we hear a tiny "me-ow" behind us. And there was Mitzi. I fell in love at first sight and begged Papa to keep her. Soft-hearted as he is, he agreed. We took her home, and Vati immedietally declared that "he didn't want the damn cat and we already have the dogs and what would they think and I won't take care of her and it's a big responsibility and blah blah blah". He didn't notice that Mitzi has already eaten all the dogs' food and was making herself at home on the couch.

We took her to the vet, got her dewormed (is that the word?) and upon the ride back, Vati decided that she can stay one night and he'd take her to the shelter in the morning.

Welp. Mitzi, as if sensing what was he saying, curled up on Vati's knee. And then she climbed to his shoulder and stayed there.

Vati didn't have the heart to take her anywhere else than home after that.

The dogs got accustomed quite quickly. Blackie, being the mom of the three, adopted her and accepted her as her baby, which was adorable by the way. And now they're all one big, happy family, despite their differences. We're all one big, happy family. All of us. 


Mitzi for the best pet 2019

 I adore the image of a big, tall Germany holding a tiny kitten in his hands and just- squeeeee

 Feli totally has some pictures of it. Definitely. 

Also, I'm just sprinkling tiny oc references in this. Who's your favourite character so far?

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now